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My Virtual Photo Album

These very special pictures are of my trip to Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Lake Manyara, and Tarangire national parks. The wildlife of Tanzania ! Some photos are of my trip to Zanzibar island. And some were taken on my Graduation Day. You might be alone at night in your tent and suddenly , you hear a howling sound .....

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Gilmans Point in Kilimanjaro

A bit of rest climbing Kili

Having a nice refreshing drink !

Uhuru peak on my back

Marangu gate

After a day's climb

I have graduated !!!

The Graduating class of 2002/03

Receiving my graduation certificate and overall prize in the PCB combination

DigDig Camp Site in Serengeti
The picture above shows me on the very left in front with my friends on the sunny morning in our DigDig Camp The freezing first night of our trip was spent at DigDig Camp Site. An experience I had never had before. We had the company of a male and a female elephant at 2:00 a.m. in the morning, at about twenty feet from our tent. Fortunately, they didn't like the light that we switched on, at the time when the Ranger waked us up to view them. Too bad I couldn't grab my camera !!!

Tembo hotel
We are just at the entrance of Tembo hotel in Zanzibar. Tembo means elephant, but please note that there are no elephants in Zanzibar ! All dressed handsomly, right ?

Picnic Spot
This picture above shows the spot where we had our lunch in Serengeti. The ancient spot has developed a lake where hundreds of Hippopotamus live. And because the lake is quite small, this place gives you a very good close-up with the hippos. But BEWARE, the crocodiles are also there waiting for their pray !!! That is why they have strictly prohibited people from touching the lake. Rangers are there 24 hours to guard the place. Also you can see me in the photo above holding the sign " PLEASE DO NOT FEED ANIMALS " !!!

Snowkling around the island
That is a starfish. Well we saw a lot of colouring fish around but that was the best we could catch. Catching fish is strictly prohibited ! Also we went to see dolphins, but sorry no pictures of that have been taken.

Picnic Spot
This is another picnic spot where we stopped to have our Tea-break before we went off to Ngorongoro ! The cake was delicious. Not a birthday though so you can't have any !

Packing up
We were just packing up the last tents and bags at the Simba Camp Site in Ngorongoro before we drove off to Lake Manyara National Park. You can see our car at the back there, Land Cruiser. On the sides are our two drivers (we had two cars) and in the middle is our Chef (Cook) !

Happy New Year
This was on the Eve of New Year 2001. Some say the Millenium ! The New Safari Hotel. This was the night when we ended our trip. The last night in Arusha after we returned from Tarangire National Park. Happy New Year everybody !!!

Simba Camp Site
Its ridiculous how much time we spent packing. Maybe we will be faster next time. On our night at this camp site we had the company of Warthogs. No need photographing them because they are mostly ugly. Its better inside our cosy warm tent. The night was freezing cold....

Cooking in Manyara
We don't know much about cooking but the climate was so cold that although I have never helped my mother in the kitchen, I was glad there helping the cook by the warm fire. I was so cold that I couldn't even look in the right direction :) !!!

Our Tent
Our warm tent for all our wonderful camping nights. A good sunny morning in Ngorongoro !

Huge Elephants
A crazy elephant after you is the last thing you want on a wonderful tour. " You want to get back home in one piece, don't you ? So get lost from here before i get really mad " , the Elephant said . O.k. then I just clicked the camera at the right time.

Adnaan in Ngorongoro
Look at that beautiful site. Behind me is the whole Ngorongoro Crater. You heard me right, The Ngorongoro is an extinct volcano which hasn't erupted in a thousand years. This crater slowly and slowly through the successive high amount of rainfall in the region enabled the formation of the Ngorongoro lake as you see. The lake enabled the habitat of thousands of animal species and this unique place has become one of the reknowned National Parks in Africa. The very good security and protection of the place has preserved the endangered species.

The King of the jungle
The lion , the king of the jungle. But this time he is running away. How come ? Maybe they are not as brave as we think. But better sit tightly in the car, they are very deceptive. This male lion is photographed in Ngorongoro.

the Hunt
This zoomed photograph shows a lioness in the middle of catching a prey. the picture is quiet dark being the very early morning in Lake Manyara.

International Hotel
This is at the International hotel reception where we spent three nights. Great vacation !

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