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Surf Slang

official transworldsurf mag site
2.3 June 8, 2000

Binger - Getting run over by a boogie boarder.

Example: "Man that kid just gave me a binger with his Mach 7-7."

Nectarine - A hot girl that dates only marines.

Example: "Yeah, Laurie is hot, but she's a full-on nectarine."

Gacked - When you go to start pumping, and you just fall over the front of the nose.

Example: "Dude, I tried to pump, but I just gacked instead."

Surfed - A term used to describe hair after a sesh.

Example: "Sorry about my hair, ladies. It's pretty surfed right now."

Dick Dragger - What Andy Iron's lovingly calls boogie boarders.

Example: (See Andy's interview, page 82)

Tittas - What Andy lovingly calls snapped females.

Example: (See Andy's interview, page 82)

Zipload - A lot of something at once.

Example: "I just got a zipload of water in my suit after that duck dive."

Po-Po - Another urban word for police.

Example: "Aw f–k, I got the po-po all up in my shit."

Shoots - A term used either in question, anger, or excitement (endless uses).

Examples: "Shoots, do you tink Pipe is good today?"
"Shoots brah, you like get pounded!"
"Shoots, that chick is firing! Go talk to her, kook!"

Stoops - A term used to describe something dumb or stupid.

Example: "I hate the way Leon dresses–his shit is straight stoops."

2.4 May 22, 2001

Bro-phonics Edition

Bro-phonics - The language bros speak.

Example: "Dude, you need to use more bro-phonics if you want to hang with us, guy."

combro - A guy who’s a friend and also an industry bro.

Example: "Dude, I met Brendan at the trade show, but now were combros ’cause we chill on the weekends."

instabro - Some dude who comes up and instantly thinks he’s your bro.

Example: "I didn’t even know that guy, and he just came up and tried to be an instabro."

probro - A guy who thinks he knows all the pros.

Example: "Billy always drops names—he’s such a probro."

snowbro - A bro that you only go snowboarding with.

Example: "The waves suck. Let’s call my snowbro, he’s got free passes to Bear Mountain."

brodeo - A barbecue that a bunch of bros are at.

Example: "Yeah. This party’s the best, a full brodeo."

brodown - What you say when you want to get something for free.

Example: "Dude, I need a brodown this time. This wax is too expensive."

broker - A bro who’s always trying to sell you something.

Example: "No, I don’t want that sack. Quit being such a broker."

bro-ish - When someone is acting super-cool.

Example: "Liam was so bro-ish today, he fully helped me out."

2.5 May 23, 2001

Felchy - When something is kind of shitty.

Example: "Dude, I was out at Steep And Hollow’s and the waves were so flechy."

The Peaking Gopher - When you’re surfing and you think you’re just farting, but a small nub starts to escape.

Example: "Checkwood thought he had to fart, but he actually had a severe peaking gopher."

Baby Photo - Another term for male organ shrinkage after a cold water sesh.

Example: "Dude! Check me out! Full-on baby photo."

All Timer’s Disease - When someone says it’s "all time" all the time.

Example: "You must have All Timer’s disease, because Shitpeak was wack yesterday."

Wetsuit Envy - When someone else’s wetsuit fits and looks better than yours.

Example: "Brendan’s suit is so tight, I get full on wetsuit envy every time I see him in it."

Throwing Heat - Another term for ripping.

Example: "You shoulda watched me surf yesterday, I was throwing heat, bro."

Depth Charge - Dropping a poop in the water.

Example: "Watch out, little fishies. I just dropped a stinky-ass depth charge."

Broken-Arm Style - When someone surfs with their arm all broken looking.

Example: "Yeah. Billy’s good, but he’s got a broken-arm style."

Bitter Boarder - A tough-guy body boarder who hates surfers.

Example: "Off The Wall was full of bitter boarders all winter."

Tail Shred - When someone tries an air, but the tail stays in the water.

Example: "Dude, that was a weak attempt at an air. Looked like a full tail shred to me, bro."