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Follow the steps below to make Michelle the home page for your browser:

For Netscape users:

1. Select "Edit" with your cursor at the top your browser.
2. Click on "Preferences".
3. In the top section of the dialog box, select "Home page".
4. In the next section, in the window titled "Location" type in:
5. Hit "OK" at the bottom of the box.
6. Michelle is now the home page for your browser.

For Internet Explorer users:

1. Select "View" with your cursor at the top of your browser.
2. Click on "Internet Options".
3. In the top section of the dialog box, in the window titled "Address" type in :
4. Hit "OK" at the bottom of the box.
5. Michelle is now the home page for your browser.


The design of this website is Copyright 2001 Michelle Brogan Fan Site. All graphics, videos, photos and songs are property of their respective owners as indicated, otherwise are property of this web site and its creator. Menu and heading graphics are copyrigh t 2001 Michelle Brogan Fan Site. This site is an unofficial site for Michelle Brogan and is not affiliated in any way or form with her and/or her management.