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Zion Outreach Ministries
Thika Village, Kenya, East Africa
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Mission Statement

As a non-profit organization we will provide more opportunities for African-Americans to visit and perhaps become more vocal and present in the foreign mission fields worldwide. We seek to improve the practice of God's Word and to create a more productive Christian Community within the areas in which we work. The primary function of this ministry is to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, educate the illiterate, provide medical assistance to remote clinics and to minimize social injustice as best we can. Throughout our ministerial efforts we will offer many tangible ways Christians can serve the very poor, orphaned and street children; youth fellowship programs and projects that will help them to focus on different interpersonal skills and abilities; we will adopt and house children in need of a good Christian nurturing environment in which to live and grow. If any community we serve is without an educational system or a Christian school we will work to build or integrate into the current system that will be accessible to the average student of the very needy.

"...Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not..."
Luke 18:16

Zion Outreach Ministries USA continues to seek God's favor and intervention in connecting them to persons and organizations that are sincere about spreading the gospel and building God's kingdom the world over. Such as this gentlemen has sought the guidance of Missionary Green in finding a safe placement for his grandchildren. It has been the cultural norm that unwanted children are chased away from their home village soon after their parents have died and there is no one willing to take on the responsibility of caring for them. As there are many Native Africans who have heard of the effort Missionary Green is putting into creating safe places for homeless children to go, villagers walk several miles to her home wanting to leave their children. Far too often they must be turned away due to the resource shortage. There is a strict acceptance policy, and Missionary Green tries to make suggestions to alternative means.

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