Daniel Giggs Gigizmu (Manager)
Gerald Zyklon (Web Design)
Dave Pizsa Pulitu Mugi (Fashion Design)
Andrej Drej (Choreography)
Clayton Loyds (Security)
J & Clint (Music Production)

#jien, msn, mIRC, bitches, sluts, vodka, cubik, kellogg's, DMX Krew, partyppl, soft toys, energie, redbull, orange juice, coke, girls, hooters, marutti, fiart, pugu, fort, fifth, top, girls, love, peace and bull shit...

People minn #jien (too many to name)
Dawk kollha li jaraw il-pupu helu u atrajenti...
Partyppl li jitawgu mal-pupu...
Qraba u l-hbieb li inspirawna...
U int lilek li qed izzur din il-website :-)
Ghinu lil pupu jirnexxi, isignjaw il-guestbook :-) Tnx

Photo Galleries:

DMX Krew @ Liquid Club 28-02-04
Cubik @ Liquid Club 17-07-04
Tribu 15-08-04

Sonar 2004 [Spain]

The "Blue Bear" Summer Tour Ends at:
Volume: Electronik X-perience (coming soon)





Pupu was discovered in a Kellogs Box by our fashion designer Pizsa. Introduced for the first time to the scene at Liquid Club (28/02/04) during a performance by DMX Krew, where he met various artists and promoters.
[Liquid Club 28/02/04 pics...]

Later on in Summer 04 he attended various events such as Love Dance & Tribu 04.

He was also flown to Spain, where accompanied by his manager and his fashion designer, he attended Sonar 2004.

Ghidulna x'tahsbu dwar il-pupu...
Hallu il-kummenti taghkhom fil-Guestbook!

How many bitches have we slept with?

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©2004 BlueBear