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Please Read these rules as we will NOT run them during our tournaments!

Always hide cards
Always allow kibitzing if u want it off ask host
Zone Friends set to DND
All other communication devices must be off
No table talk (cmp,tram,duck..
No vulgar language tolerated
No reseating without host permission
Wait 5 mins before requesting subs
Allow 7 mins for Boots
Once a sub has played 3 hands they are no longer
subs, they are your pard
Host decisions are final This means YOU
Entry into this tournament states your agreement to
uphold the Zone Code of Conduct
In case of ties, least bags win, if bags are tied,
reseat for 1 hand playoff
If you have a problem with our decision or wish to
gripe, please Email
Do NOT accuse anyone of cheating. If there is cause
for the host to visit your table the host
will make the decision based on fact
No excessive breaks in play
Avoid long delays in play. This may lead some to
think you are communicating with your partner. If
noticed by the host you may be dq'd
No rude behavior will be tolerated. If you are not
here to have fun, then feel free to leave at
this time.
I will not take any ins after assignments. Only to
even up teams if needed.