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What we are about!
TOL= Tyranny of Life. We are a rebel PA house in Star Wars Galaxies. A guild of friends, that are willing to give each other help in all means of the game i.e. group hunting, guild battles, etc. . We are here to have fun and play hard.  

Our Pledge
We live under the tyranny of the Empire. Order shall be obtained thru war. We pledge our life as rebels to overcome the tyranny and restore peace to the Galaxy. Tyranny of life will overcome.  

Everyone in the guild house will have titles. Your titles depend on your actions in the guild (i.e. contributing, group hunting, recruiting etc.) This are the titles as for now and may change as the guild gets bigger:

Vagabond- This is your beginning title, you are considered in trial membership. You are to get to know each guild member and go into group hunting.
Rook- You have proving yourself as a true guild member. You now have access to any contributions other guild members are willing to give (i.e. weapons, armor, food, credits, etc.).
Acolyte- You have exceeded in contributing to the guild. You are known by many members and showed enthusiasm to the guild.
Knight- You are now recognized as a recruit. You may sponsor any rebel into the guild. To achieve this title, you must have been with the guild for at least one month and have exceeded over all other acolytes in contributing to the guild.
Priest-You have been successful in recruiting over 10 members. You are now held in high regard of the Head Council and are considered as a majordomo. You must have been with Guild for at least 2 months to achieve this title.
Lord- You are now considered a leader over all under this title. You have recruited over 20 members since the title knight, have proving yourself in battle, always have been there for the guild, shown leadership abilities, and have been with the guild for over 3 months.
High Lord- You are now considered as head recruiter, and may now accept people into the guild (must get approval first from a councilman). You have exceeded as a Lord in bringing leadership, showing exceptional skills on the battlefield and always being there for the guild time and time again. You must under no circumstance be with the guild for at least 4 months.
Councilman- This is the highest title that may be achieved. You must under no circumstances have been with the guild for 4 months. This title is achieved only by election. Election will be held when Head Council deems it needed (i.e. size of the guild, opening another guild on another planet etc.). The Head Council will nominate who they feel has been the highest contributor. Elections will always have 2 candidates that are willing to compete. Elections will take 2 weeks for votes to be cast. Councilman has the same abilities as the Head Council and will take part in talking over how Guild .

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