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History of Cats
(as revealed to me by Tigger)

My deck friend

Cats are but recording devices left by earlier life forms. Cats are accumulating research data for the eventual return of their lab partners. Custodians left behind as guardians became distracted by the god-like worship given to them by pre-established Earth life forms. Cats realized they required greater protection. They left the custodian’s care and searched for a greater intelligent life form, the female species. Leaving a palace of danger for a humble cottage filled with love and respect might have been a difficult decision for some life forms, but definitely a “no brainer” for cats. Jealousy aligns itself easily with ignorance, so rather than attempting to become more intelligent, the locals blasphemed and labeled these new guardians, witches. What ever happened was blamed on these new cat guardians. If their crop failed, if someone died, if they failed a test, if they lost their job, if they had feelings of being incompetent (that one the witches deserved), the new guardians were harassed. Around 1347, in a fit of ignorance and stupidity (they are different), the custodians promptly blamed, and attempted to exterminate cats. Which, (they said) had a "demonic appearance". Naturally, cats could not jeopardize their mission.
The Black Plague plan (also known as the "Black Death") was placed into action. Rats, and other fury other creatures, were declared off-limits and allowed to multiply and did so much better than they would have been able to otherwise. And people died by the cartload. More than one third of the population in Europe died directly as a result of the black plague.

I love little pussy,
Her coat is so warm,
And if I don't hurt her,
She'll do me no harm.
So I'll not pull her tail,
Nor drive her away,
But pussy and I,
Very gently will play.

"Thou art the Great Cat, the avenger of the gods, and the judge of words, and the president of the sovereign chiefs and the governor of the holy Circle; thou art indeed…the Great Cat"
