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Star Wars Knit Charts

I’ve charted most of the knitting patterns to fit onto a 23 x 35 grid. These charts can be used for anything requiring uniform squares.

The only grids that differ in size are the lightsaber panels. I needed them for filler, and they are 11 stitches x 35 rows.

To knit these in intarsia fashion, you’ll need separate bobbins or lengths of yarn for each color change on each row. Do NOT carry the yarns across the back as they will distort your gauge and probably create holes in your work. Instead, work in stocking stitch until you reach the end of a color section. Drop the old color to the back and pick up the new one from underneath, to prevent holes from forming. These charts are suitable to be knit by hand or by machine, but keep in mind when machine knitting the back always faces you, and unless you don't mind your image facing the other way you need to reverse some of the charts in order for the finished item to look right, particularly the Falcon. Smaller sections of knitting consisting of only a few stitches are probably best left until the last and done in duplicate stitch. That’s how the guns were added to the Death Stars. I also did the points on the bottom of the Storm Trooper’s helmet in DS. I liked the raised effect so much, I knit plain backgrounds and did the rest of the lightsabers in duplicate stitch.

Bobak, Bobaknit, dstark1, deathstarknit, dstark2, Jedidsknit, Jangok, R2D2k, R2D2knit, Rebelk2, Trooperk, and Trooperknit charts and images are © 2004 Leah Fenton, except where noted, and may not be sold or used for items offered for sale. Lee Ann Hamm is the only other crafter whose Star Wars charts I have seen on the net, and while my X-wing (xwingk) and Rebel insignia (rebelk)differ from hers, my charts are modeled on her original work, and as derivative works is not eligible for a copyright by anyone. All other charts are my original work. Enjoy!

Lspeedk, vaderk, vaderfab, c3pok, tiek, tieknit, clonek, saberk, saberknit, emplogk, and oldrepk are © 2005 Leah Fenton and may not be sold or used to make items for sale.

The new more round Old Republic and round Empire insignias are provided for those who aren't using the older charts. Also new in 2007 are the Millennium Falcon (falck) and Y-Wing charts. Weborepk, webempk, falck, and ywingk are © 2007 Leah Fenton and may not be sold or used to make items for sale.

Please note that for some reason the web page doesn't display the chart lines properly; it looks like some are missing. However, on testing my page, I found that when saving images locally, they displayed properly when looking at them using Irfan view.


Bobak. The gray area in the helmet should be black, but is shown in a lighter color here to make following the chart easier. Bobaknit on the right is the end result. I know some of the finished pieces look small, but that's before the borders are added.


Dstar1k. The Death Star seen in A New Hope. The gun is worked afterwards in duplicate stitch. Deathstarknit on the right is the end result.


Dstark2. The incomplete Death Star seen in Return Of The Jedi. The gun is worked afterwards in duplicate stitch. Someone commented on the picture saying that the pieces looked like they weren't joined. This is easily fixed when you are weaving in ends, just bring the tapestry needle with light gray to the front of the piece and work a couple of stitches in duplicate stitch while weaving in the ends in that area. Jedidsknit on the right is the end result.


Tiek. My pattern for a TIE fighter with angled vanes. Tieknit on the right shows the finished piece.


emplogk. The original chart for the Empire's insignia. Given for those who have used it and may need the chart to make more like it.


webempk. My new Imperial insignia chart is rounder, so it looks better when knit.


Trooperk. Imperial Stormtooper helmet. The single points on the bottom of the helmet were added after knitting was done using duplicate stitch. Trooperknit on the right shows the knit piece.


Vaderk. The Dark Lord of the Sith's helmet. Vaderfab, the image to the right, is approximate result using view knit stitches available in my knitting design software.


R2D2k. Front view of a terrific little droid. R2D2knit on the right is the result.


C3POk. Knit the head of a protocol droid. The mouth is shown in blue, but should be done in dark brown or black to emphasize it. If you don't have that many yarn colors hanging around, you can do it in dark gold, but on the image I worked from, it looked a little darker. Like some of my other images, it's shown in a lighter color so you can actually see the stitches on the chart!


saberk. Knit some lightsabers. I liked the raised effect of duplicate stitch and used that to create all of my sabers on plain background panels, but you can knit them intarsia style for flatter pieces. I alternated light and dark silver pommels and used more colors to give my sabers more variety. Since the expanded universe states sabers came in a greater variety of blade colors, I don't feel my knit pieces violate canon. Saberknit on the right shows half of my sabers; each of the colors shown were created with both a light and dark pommel.


Falck. Everyone's favorite bucket of bolts is shown in a top view. A friend pointed out if you are machine knitting this one, you need to reverse the chart before knitting, since the back of an MK piece always faces the knitter. Otherwise, the cockpit will be on the wrong side.


Xwingk. My knit chart for an X-wing was based on Lee Ann Hamm's crochet chart, and as a derivative work does not qualify for a copyright. However, if I'm wrong, then this chart is copyright 2005 Leah Fenton. See Lee Ann's original chart at:


Ywingk. Another spacecraft used extensively by the Rebels.


Lspeedk. Knit a landspeeder. Shown under the twin suns of Tatooine. The silver lines represent motion of the speeder and are easily added in duplicate stitch after the knitting is done.


Rebelk. My Rebel insignia was based on Lee Ann Hamm's crochet chart and I understand as a derivative work does not qualify for a copyright. If I'm wrong, the image is copyright 2005 Leah Fenton.


On the left is Jangok. The green area in the helmet should be black, but is shown in a lighter color here to make following the chart easier. On the right is Clonek, a Clone Trooper's helmet from Episodes 1-3.


On the left is oldrepk, the original Old Republic insignia I designed. It's provide for those who used it and need it to further work on their projects. On the right is weborep, the newer rounder Old Republic insignia.