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Links. Yep, I got some!


History of the Norse

Mythology and Religion

Family Life

Government and Social Structure


Uhh, fair warning though- those links don't really link to much. I'm working on that :)


he Norse...

Look! Decent pictures!

Okay, I'm going to put useful links here, okay?

Pictures I used for the runes.

A whole bunch of Norse myths. Good DYK (Did You Know) facts too.

More mythology stuff.

Apperantly in Norse Mythology there are different realms. Sounds a lot like something D&D might be based on.

You'll like this one- stuff on Viking Ships.

That Greenland site I was telling you about.

Okay, that's enough links for now.

You know, the text that comes with these script librarys... it's pretty bad.

More lame text I'm editing out. Still waiting on what I'm gonna replace it with. It's a work in progress.
I love Angelfire.


Our "Did you Know" stuff goes here. Refresh the page and watch what happens.

The name Gandalf from Toliken's The Lord of the Rings comes directly from a figure in Norse mythology.