Welcome to my Tag board and Blog page. Because of MSN pages not allowing Java, i had to move this one page over to a differant free server.

Below you will find my tag board. I have done away with the guest book.. Instead feel free to leave a lil note on the tagboard. Whatever it might be - stop it just to say Hi, what you snagged, like, dislike, a comment, suggestion, or even a question! The tagboard doubles as an in-time chat board too. You can have other smerfy creation members meet ya here for a chat.. or drop me an email and I'll meet ya here!

Below the tagboard you will also find my blog. I'll be updating it when I have something to write about, or just when I have time.
xo smerfy


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blog 3-3-05: the girls and i all went and got our ears pierced last night. I couldn't believe sidnehy wanted to & actually did it! lol. shes not my lil baby any more. i told em in 2 months we will go earring shopping. i could use some new earrings any ways. hehe. with 3 holes in my ears now i gotta have new earings, right? LMAO!
my DR appointment was Tuesday. He put me on some meds that are freaky! one min in bouncing off the walls cant sit still, the next i could fall asleep standing.. then 5 mins later im bouncing again. its getting annoying! Here im thinking ill get used to it soon, but i was reading the instructions and after 2 wks im supposed to increase the does. then a week after that increase it again, and again a weak after that. I loose my train of thought so fast right now.. i cant wait to see what happens in 4 wks. @@. anyhow, lab results should be in monday, so i should hear something back by monday pm i hope.
blog 2-27-05: Got some website stuffies done today. still have tubes that need uploading.. all in time, eh? I did start on the 'members section only' though... well i got the page up atleast. now jus need ideas on what to add to the members only area. Other then that, another boring weekend. Bran's birthday pasty is 2morrow, that should be fun!
blog 2-21-05: just about done 'making over' the site. still have a bit more uploading to do. mainly just in the tubes section. other then working on the site, boring weekend ... oh wait no it wasn't duh @ me. lol. went four wheeling early. Saturday had a blast!!! we got se freaken muddy! rode the rail rode track down 4 or so miles and found some new trails. only part that sucked was on the way back. the blaster blew another piston about 2 miles from home. so i had to tow Adam back home. Good thing I still had the rope in the truck of my ATV!






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