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Dream World
Monday, 15 December 2003
Sunday blooody sundaaaaayyyy -U2
well today was exciting... or not. well it could have been tecnically. I suppose it was just a m'eh day with a spritzing of goodness. work from 8:00-4, then right after that was the always fresh reward dinner. My crew got an always fresh thing (its basicly a test to see how clean and good the bake we produce and all that is.) basicly we got the highest score of the year and so we went out for a dinner thing at the old spagetti factory. it was okay... I don't really remember much of it, mind you I can't remember a lot of stuff latley... stupid short term memory. *shakes fist* oh well, anyway yea so we got a good deal on our meals because we had the drafty seats table. I had a broken down golf cart *very tastey stuff... aperantly it was sour I didn't really notice* and a rum& coke.. usually I'd have beer or shots, but I didn't feel like it tonight. anyway, all day for some reason I managed to hook the majority of people working into new things, like eating habanero stuffed olives. veeerrrry tasty, and the first one is pretty damn hot.. but being that the habanairo is pickled and in an olive, defiantly nothing to its ultimate searing painful heat. anyway, so yea that was intertaining having everyone working with burning sensations in their mouths. Oddly enough, we all felt very out of it because of them... it was odd.. like.. we felt like we were .. I dunno. lol it was funny though. hmm oh yea, I sold a coffee maker this morning which was good of course because it was points and such... not that it really matters, but sombody decided to sponcer an ugly coporation *tim hortons* with their forfit of cash, to what is a mere object recently bought for $145,

Posted by space2/ponderus at 2:09 PM PST
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Saturday, 13 December 2003
Today! endless work...
Saturday December 13th 11:12pm

Well.. today was so excruciatingly... uneventful... I was woken up around 8:30am after going to sleep at 4am, then went back to sleep.. Work of course had phoned requestiing that I work an extra 4 hrs. So I worked from 1pm-4:30pm, then again at 6pm-10:30pm. exciting eh? oh well, before I went to work though, I was busy antivirusing away.. bloody spam stuff, and those annoying hijacking sites took over my homepage control, so I of course had to do somthing about it. lavasoft to the rescue!!!
hmm yes well anyway, so it was off to work, worked till 4:30pm, then I went to Rob's Fish & Chips for lunch/ breakfast/ dinner *shifty eyes* I suppose dinner.... or maybe dinner/supper as dinner is the traditional manner of lunch,... and it was my lunch and dinner in one so yes, dinner/supper will do.

hmm yes well a pint and a shot and few oz. of battered cod and chips later, I was back on my way to work. ooh! the best part was there was Christmas Kareoke! well.. I don't think there were actually microphones, but it was still snazzy none the less.

anyway, ya so then it was back to work, nothing exciting happened,... twas a boring night. I can't really remember what else happened that night.. I think I came home then did nothing... or wait! yea thats right.

Posted by space2/ponderus at 11:10 PM PST
Updated: Monday, 15 December 2003 1:01 PM PST
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1:17am Saturday December 13th 2003
well... isn't this nice.. and blog like. *shifty eyes.* hmm well I'm Carl, the guy from Tsawwassen who is generally confused about everything, yet mysteriously has some sort of clue about most things... but somtimes they are just wacky and way off... and I like to ramble.... a lot... This background reminds me that i'm wearing a scarf... *jumps in seat, Woah! I'm wearing my scarf!..(Huggles scarf)*

ANYWAY.... Today I slept in a bit till about 11am because I was once again up until 2:30am... ooh! my hotwater is ready! *runs off to kettle*.... *k I'm back,* then I played music really loud, *a great way to try and build energy.. though usually it takes either a few people or a shot or 2 of spirits in the morning* I can't really drink coffee anymore, it seems to hurt my stomach to much now, so getting off to my normal energy level seems to take a bit of warming up, although somtimes I can just get a lot of energy none the less. and music defiantly has a good influence to my mood and energy level. oh yea, so anyway, I cleaned my room, read for a bit, came downstairs.. I don't really remember what I did.. I think I .... ooh! I did some laundry! yea thats what I did! anyway, so then I showered *ooh, isn't this exciting,? Its like a step by step voyage of carls boring day!* anyway yea, so then haver showering and getting dressed, I went off to work, then eventually I realised that i had forgotten to eat breakfast or lunch... urk.. my tummy still seems to be sulking a little. *hugs tummy* so from 2-10:30 with only a big bowl of Udon noodles from NIKKO SUSHI! *the best* I was suddently full.. to the point of having more stomach complaints. rather tempromental.. *sigh* oh well. but it was really good and I just wanted more!!! but! alas it was back to work with a measily 30 minute break which really seems to go by wayyy faster than it should. oh well, I strongly recomend for anyone.. and everyone to not work at Tim Hortons... its bad for your health :p ummmm.... oh yea! so I was still kinda hungry, and right after work i got changed and then walked down to Sev where i convieniently met Holly *she's sooo cool! and super cute too* and Sabrina *they are like the reasons for life right there. they should have like their own shrines of worship and such. I'm telling you once I was the king of Spain, Now I eat humble pie, and now I work at the pizza pizza. ooh... off track again.. good song though!*.....*shifty eyes* anyway, yea so then I had a traditional long noodle mr.noodle cup at the sev which is brilliant food for all your loitering needs! because its hot and enjoyable to consume too! Anyway eventually they drove me home and then of course I came online. I started making my blog *yes your reading it! huzzah!* talked to Brianna, Sabrina, and Fraser *sorry Fraser, I really wish we could make it to the rave but I don't think its really possible for us right now :( *

Sabrina and I of course began our usual supreme coolness conversations of intregue.. and amungst all the coolness which has seeped from my brain, *flashback to sev where sabrina thought chewing on candy brains was gross.. well, the taste was good but the texture was gross sort of.. um yea.... Holly laughed and shivered and did the "I have to pee dance" * we discussed our plans for our super fuzzy awesome pajama party of goodness... esentually a slumber party.. only its a pajama party because it sounds less blonde? hmmm *shifty eyes* I have no idea.. anyway, yea we're going to have lots of popsicles! all the super really good ones! and watch movies! like Empire Records! Waynes World! Finding Nemo! Pirates of the Caribbean! Rocky Horror Picture show! etc! more popsicles and pajamas! yea! etc! hmm!

*shifty eyes* alllright... enough of that! *sudden coughing spasm* *stupid falling apart body... I want more mr. noodles!... and popsicles.* BUT! I am in my favorite pair of Pjs! or... LOUNGE PANTS! as Randy River so labeled them.

and well, now I'm listening to music and finishing this up.. I hope I don't start rambling about my thoughts on things again.. although I suppose I'm allowed to do that... it is MY blog damn you! yes thats right! *gives YOU an accusing look...*

hmm well, to hell with that then, good night for now!
lalala *does a little good night dance*

Posted by space2/ponderus at 1:14 AM PST
Updated: Saturday, 13 December 2003 2:40 AM PST
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