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Hans Koser
Hans Koser
Welcome to my image album of meteorites from Hans Koser's room at the Inn Suites - Tucson Gem Show 2009.
Campo del Cielo
Campo del Cielo 
Selection of Campo iron meteorites from Santiago del Estero, Argentina.

Comments (3) | Add a Comment

hola buenos dias soy amigo de marco bolanos de bolvia si puedes me agregas ay muchas gracias
ronaldo marques vieira | | April 13, 2012

Sam Chien of Blue Amber gave me your reference. I need about 100 kg of small size meteorites for pendant and earrings. Pls contact me.

Sunil Agrawal
Sunil agrawal | | March 08, 2013

Hello Hans,

I am currently looking to purchase between 1000-3000 pieces of Campo del Cielo which are all roughly 4mm x 4mm x 2mm. Greg Hupe sent me to you. Can you supply these at all?

Thank you,
Richard Garner | | May 22, 2014