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The wall on my room

My life in three words

My wall is full of cornes like this where i can lay the words that no one could judge only time....

Dude is this thing on!!???? Today 18th, i'd like to say until when i would be lost in your eyes.
It is not as easy as i thought until this time arrived....
Yes i am also making myself calm when i know for the first time I am loving,
when i remember those kisses coming from your mouth...
Die always by your side, when you are light and blessing..
When all i want to be is the air like the one you surround with your life,
with the party of your skin of the girl who stops time with a smile mixed together to crave on grace...
Like a first poem, a piece of life, i would not say good bye...
If you would spent time to be lovers, yes i's see it to share blesses,
to make you my first melody, prisioner rose in my heart, that if you leave my life,
would you kiss well my lips, for these lines that are ungrateful to my hands...
To be deepen in your romance and rewrite the story that comes to our hands,
to find summers in December, if the heart asks, just to be and see well, if all we want is to be
painters dedicated to the sound of the hearts, shield and lance...
Give it all without asking...Until the soul is given...
Putting my hands on fire without asking if it would burn....
Make love come to our world, tonight make everything still...

Listen that i would not want it any other way...but tonight we are lovers....
you hear my heart beat, i am thinking, with the
selfishness that is characteristic of me, would you blame to have ease on these words.

For you...I have the time you read, with you, i will have glory, my sun...05.18.03...perhaps the very last i write on my own...
