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Global Warming

Global warming is An increase in the average temperature of the Earth's surface, which occurs following an increase in greenhouse gases. Global warming is harmful to every living thing on earth that is visiable by eye sight or even a microscope.

The increase of this effect can cause droughts, disease, floods, and the lost of ecosystems all over the world. Even though this sounds like it can destroy us all, there are solutions to this serious problem. In the year 2000 there was a dramatic increase in the atmosphere. The increase was about three or four degrees, and it had never been that hot befor. Some scientist say that the heat may increase between three to eleven degrees over the next century. This is the worst thing that could ever happen to the human race.

Two basic solutions can be modern technologies and stronger laws. The reason that there is an increase of heat is that too many heat-trapping gases have been released into the air. These gases are manly caused by power plants and vehicles. So, in a way we ourselves have been causing this horrible problem. In addition to the solution, we can modify the combustions that are created in vehicles and power plants.

Maybe one of these days, probably after some catastrophe in which hundreds of people are killed, we'll start to take global warming seriously. Every few months we get a scary update on this phenomenon and there's a sense of "Well, gee, we really should be doing something about this." There's always something more pressing than global warming.

Some people around us just do not know what this can lead to. They just go through life thinking that not a thing will happen to then or just dose not concern them. Everyone should know about this and how they can help to protect other people. You just do not help other people around the world, but you even help yourself and the futuer of your children.

More Information

Learn about global warming causes and solutions from NRDC scientists.
Information and resources on a changing atmosphere and climate.
Map of the world illustrating local consequences of global warming.
Comprehensive site covering the debate, with news and updates, key experts, documents and treaties, discussion, and other resources.