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Canoeing(really, but posing now) in the Toronto islands, Toronto, ON, Canada
Last Name : Harish Krishnan
Surname    : Subramanian
Sobriquet   : Harish (no joking)
Zodiac         : Libra ( )

Education   :  
Bachelors of  Engineering (Eletronics and Comm.) from University of Madras,  class of '99

Currently employed with
Genesis Microchip Inc.
(world’s leading supplier of display image processors)
Bangalore India.

is just one  other which limns my personae ..blah.. blah.. blah.. Here u can find about myself, people around me, my interests (general and technical).. and some links to my interests..... and some of my photo album and some..

Copyright© 2003,  S Harish Krishnan . All rights reserved.
   Wondering why is my website called NalinaKanthi..? well, honestly it is one of my favourite carnatic raaga. For all those Tamil audiences ...remember the song 'Endhan Nenjil Neengadha...'  from 'Kalaingnan' (starring Kamalahassan)..incidently that is also one of my personal favourite... Well the basic idea behind this site is to... (don't tell me u don't know.. ;) yeah just like other personal sites..this