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kath Baxter







temp tekstuff

these are done by "Insert " and "Hyperlink"-and browse to the page you want - which must be a saved one

or you could use a button like this -
in which case you do it by inserting an image , making it a rollover -and putting a hyperlink on it
doubleclick on it in Edit mode to change its details-


Another link could be had here

Here is where a savvy HTML LIbrary user would place another link

A "hyper-link" could go here

kath Baxter

Lives up North . does art . has dog

  hi Kath

 These are templates and full of gibberish -just to show where the text goes ---delete it and put what you want in

put pictures in by going to " Insert " ...and then navigating to the pic you want
which can be anywhere ...but if you put it in the apprpriate sub-folder inside your web folder , it will save having to tell the program where to save it

 Have just added a tekstuff page on " temp tekstuff "  to the left

This site is all different colours ....obviously not good choose one colour scheme...
or change colours individually  

the hexcode for colours is at
...or you can do it with Namo ( or whatever )

using the "Table" dropdown menu --- check either "table properties " for thr whole table ...or " cell properties " for an individual cell

the colour of the background is on the  "File " dropdown  ...called "Document Properties

or you can put in pictures - but make them tiny ones or thr page will take forever to load ....also you will need a program to shrink the filesize of pics

but that is another subject entirely

can you do that with whatever you have ?

will send you copy of namo disc ...when I can figure how to copy CDs n this machine

This picture of Chris and me was taken Halloween 1999 at our place of work. Chris was unrecognizable as a dinosaur and I gave myself a mohawk and dressed up as Robert De Niro in Taxi Driver.

Having a Mohawk was really cool. At first I felt silly, but after a couple days, I got quite used to it and actually embraced it. I liked being the "Mohawk Guy."

But how great is a workplace when it is encouraged to come in dressed for Halloween. Folks have been known to wear shirts with dirty words on them, or shorts in the cold of winter, and shoes are entirely optional. Some of my co-workers have even dyed their hair "crazy colors" like blue.

Normally blue is not a crazy color, like salmon, but when referring to hair, I think this qualifier is on the money.