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The West Side of the Galaxy

A Stargate Site!

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Here I've got some of my favorite sites that I like to visit.  Yeah, uh, that's about it.

Sites Visited A Lot
These are sites that I usually roam in often.

    This is where I keep all my fanfiction.  I'll probably post it up there before I get it on this site.  I read a lot at in the Stargate Category.

   This site has all the latest info on Stargate.

Delphi Forums
    This is the Delphi Forums Website.  They have a couple of Stargate forums too.  They are Our Stargate and Gateworld .

Yahoo! Groups
   This is where I lurk amongst the Stargate groups, sometimes post.


Internet Movie Database
    Where I get all my movie info.  Info on all movies and TV shows up to date.  Even those kiddie TV shows from Nickelodeon Channel that I used to watch when I was a wee one.  For Example: "Gullah Gullah Island" and "Hey Dude!". LOL.  Sorry if I misled you.  That's not all it has.  There's more.  It has Stargate SG-1 there too.  It has everything.  It has info on future movies and tv shows that are currently in production.  There's movies listed that are back in the early 1900, even earlier!

Good Sites To Go To
    These are sites that I have visited often.  Some contain Music Vids, Fanfiction, Fan Art, and the like.  All Stargate Sites by the way.

bullet - Most annoying webpage in the world!
    I thought this was really funny.  It's more "fun" than annoying.
   It's one of my friend's site's online.  I like it.  It has Fanfic
Whatever Dials Your Gate
    This is the place where a lot of music videos are, or where you can find links to lots of music vids.  The number of music vids goes into the triple digits.  You can also make vid requests and submit your music vids as well.  You can see the "Videos by Site" or "Videos by Category."  It also has "Updates" so you can see the newest videos that have been added to the site.

Ancient's Gate
There are some good music videos here.  (One of them I requested too.)  It has lots of Stargate Pictures (Jack, Daniel, Season 6 & 7 episodes).   There are also Jack/Daniel Collages too.


~ TXK ~
   She was writing this certain story called "Partners For Life" on for awhile.  (The story is AWESOME!  You should check it out.)  She has this cool website with Fan Art, Fanfiction, and Music Vids.  There's plenty more there too.


Martouf Marty 
    This place has a lot of stuff in it.  And it's not all Stargate either!  But I'm gonna mention all the Stargate stuff that is there.  Music Vids, Captions, and  Fanfiction.  That is what I have seen on the site.  There's lots more though. 


Krazy's Stargate Page
    This is where I got some of the pictures I used on this site.  There are a lot of pictures here, as well as info on characters and the Stargate itself.


Cheyenne Mountain - Katana's Stargate SG-1 Site
   This is where I got some pictures too.  This site contains a lot of pictures.


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