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Hubble Space Telescope

A Bit about the Hubble and the Designer.

The Hubble Telescope has opened the world to a new part of the universe that we didn’t know of. Scientist from all over the world uses the Hubble to see and explore outer space. Edwin Powell Hubble designed the Hubble in the 1970. The Hubble was to be launched in 1986. Due to the loss of the shuttle Challenger in January of that year, the launched was delayed four years. In April 1990 the Hubble was lifted into orbit by the shuttle Discovery. Today the Hubble is orbiting the earth from 600 kilometers (375 miles). The Hubble is used to find the secrets of the universe that space shuttles are unable to reach.

Mr. Hubble was the first to demonstrate that the universe contains star system other than our galaxy. He also determined that all galaxies beyond the Milky Way are moving away from the earth. Edwin Powell Hubble earned a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 1917. In 1919 he joined the staff of the Mount Wilson Observatory in California. There he did most of his work as an astronomer.

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