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College Life

Hawkins Software

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Lt. Hawkeye - VB Programmer/Webmaster 


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Update - 19/06/04
Hello people, I am back and now I have got a job. I work at my local convenience store and I actually enjoy it. I will be bringing a new section to the site. I will be visiting my local cinema to review movies and hopefully I will write them here.
Update - 15/04/04
Sorry that I haven't done anything to the site I have been busy with my college work and looking for employment. I will bring the site up to date when I have time.
My short URL address - is displaying security pop-ups, please click NO as this will install spy ware on to your computer and download files to your computer. If you are downloading a product from this website I will state it clearly.
News and Announcements - 07/02/04
Well this site has had another major re-design. Also I have kept some of the old sections and also added new pages and sections. I have removed the guest book feature on my site as no-one currently uses it. Also Hawkins Software is yet to be set up because I have not written any software yet for publication on to the web. Also site updates will occur on a 2-month basis because due to the amount of College work that I am receiving.

One of the new sections are College Life.  More information will be added soon as the site is up and fully running (as the previous site design never was!).

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This site © Jason Hawkins 1999-2004
If you have downloaded anything please read the Terms and Conditions page.
Last major update on February 2003 .