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  • Confrontation Finale part 1 - 5/22 @ 11:30 PM | Webmaster
    Hey I would just like everyone to know that part 1 of 2 of the BIG Confrontation Finale is up on its respective page over at the mini GCWF site. Enjoy & don't be afraid to send me feedback! Also.....the generic ppv logo button and NightVision as well as the actual NightVision Banner are all up as well so check it out and give me feedback! Enjoy!

  • Look Close for the "G"! - 5/14 @ 2:15 AM | Webmaster
    Hey I couldn't wait much longer than I already have so it's very easy to notice what the actual "G" in G-TAC stands for. Not a HUGE surprise I think but i've been wrong before. Not a big deal. It was just easier as i made this new site to already type what the "G" meant on everything so i wouldn't have to come back & do it on every single page a week later. So I guess the cat is out of the bag. Hopefully it didn't ruin any BIG SURPRISE or anything for you who have been through us when we were TAC etc. We're going to have a good run with G-TAC. I'm excited for it to start and personally feel really excited about writing again. Remember the show that I had written last fall...it will be brought to the site to start of G-TAC with a BANG!!! The show is the conclusion of GCWF and is broken into two parts. I think the first part will be posted and then for everyone to wait in suspense the second part won't be posted until a few days later. I'm still looking for some reliable writers to join me in the creative department so send me an email and get a hold of me if you're interested in that otherwise check back for more updates, register for the forums (link right above this writing) and get ready for some fun cuz I am!!! Thanx everybody!!!

  • G-TAC has been formed! - 5/14 @ 2:00 AM | Webmaster
    As one famous Genie once said, "It can be done!" The $$$Million Dollar Question$$$ has just been answered...$YES$, TAC has now become G-TAC!!! TAC Tuesday Night Vengeance is gone, it's history, never to return again. Long live the brand new show of G-TAC NightVision!!! A show logo will be produced and revealed by the end of the week hopefully so stay tuned. Title Belt images are coming ASAP as well so be on the lookout & for those of you with us from before you will notice belt name changes, all will be discussed in G-TAC's very 1st show! It's great to be back! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

    Which company name do you prefer?

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