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Cracked \ 'krakt \ adj (1503) 1 a: broken (as by a sharp blow) so that the surface is fissured <~china> 
b: broken into coarse particles <~wheat>
c: marked by harshness, dissonance, or failure to sustain a tone
2: Mentally Disturbed : CRAZY

When the founding members of KraKt met in 1999, they searched for a word that would describe their feelings, their mental states, and the type of music that they would soon begin to create. Cracked immediately came to mind. The band chose the phonetic spelling krakt, which became their name. They felt krakt sums up their different artistic approach.
With different musical backgrounds and influences, the four original members put their ideas together to come up with a melodic but daringly heavy blend. From metal to rock to tribal and jazz, percussionist Eric Alexander lays down a wide array of beats, opening infinite possibilities for the band's songs. Guitarist Tommy Bailey bears down on the low end most of the time, while guitarist Jeremy Smith adds delicacy and melody. Their styles flow together with power and unity, constantly changing, always striving to create the best guitar blend possible. "Extraordinary results can stem from attention to the smallest details." Vocalist Nathan Weaver is outstanding, with a voice that, once heard, is easily remembered. From his beautiful singing style to his heart-felt screams, everything Nathan says is real and true. For KraKt's first year of shows, they played without a bass player. Shortly after, one of their dedicated fans, Kevin Gong, tried out for the bass position, and made his mark. Once Kevin learned to play the songs, the chemistry was right, and KraKt began to advance strongly, and its influence continues to spread .

Show after show, KraKt crossed new boundaries, expanding their "fault line" of shows, splitting the Midwest in two (at least). Inching farther across the map with each show, KraKt has opened for numerous bands, including such nationally known acts as American Head Charge, Otep, Pulse Ultra, 3rd Strike, Noise Therapy, Lennon, E Town Concrete,and Dissaray. KraKt loves to play, and is grateful for any opportunity expand their audience. These opportunities fuel them to run faster and harder, striving to get where they are headed. Because of all their hard work, KraKt was named "band of the year" on Jan 10th, 2003 by Clayton White of, for the year of 2002. Big things have happened for them over the years, but even bigger things are to come. KraKt strives to reach out to people. KraKt wants to make a difference by showing others that they are not alone in this world; no matter how isolated they feel. The members of KraKt believe that each person can make a difference, if they put their mind to it.

With intensively random and unpredictable stage antics, KraKt live is the "essence of chaos." It is this essence, together with the daring music they produce, that creates a "butterfly effect," influencing not only the band and its members in unforeseen ways, but also influencing the larger world their music touches. By not conforming to the same act every show, KraKt creates a unique atmosphere for each show. The unique quality of each show builds excitement and anticipation in their fans. Because of this force drawing them in, the fans gave themselves the name "KraKt AddiKts", which is now the term used for the "street team" members, also known as "Team KraKt". They have proven themselves strong supporters, willing to help out anywhere possible, even if that includes driving three hours to go to a show to see the band play.

The farther they go, the larger the fault line becomes, and the wider the addiktion spreadd.

KraKt is coming!

You're gonna want some of this!


Now that you have learned a little about the band care to check em out?

Please take the time to download KraKt's "Saved?".
Right click on link below and select "Save Target As".

Click Here


For more information on KraKt and where they are playing next visit

Thank you for your time...


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All images information and music on this page is copyrighted to KraKtŪ 2004