<bGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/eyepod@sbcglobal.net/wis.WAV" LOOP=INFINITE>
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   eyepod.. seldom seen,  always heard.
From the sea of souls...second sight.
peeking around the corner
we'll see what's waiting for us
Sounds from deep within Zeta Reticula....with love.
EyePod..the music emerged from the underground after nearly 10 years. The story is stranger than science fiction. The truth is out there, and in here.
Venusian Windows..   from another place and time. The sound came like a craft out of nowhere. It gave the listener a view into another reality. Take a look inside.
XSFX..deep in the underground, heavy machinery clanging out a steady beat. The unknown had  attacked. There was no choice, they had to fight back to live.
XSFX  Listen!
Venusian Windows Listen!
Eye Pod Listen!
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