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Star Charts

Star Charts and Moon Stations
Ephemeris Star Chart
The Constellations

Constellation \Con`stel*la"tion\, n. [F. constellation, L. constellatio.] 1. A cluster or group of fixed stars, or dvision of the heavens, designated in most cases by the name of some animal, or of some mythologial personage, within whose imaginary outline, as traced upon the heavens, the group is included. The constellations seem to have been almost purposely named and delineated to cause as much confusion and inconvenience as possible. --Sir J. Herschel. Note: In each of the constellations now recognized by astronomers (about 90 in number) the brightest stars, both named and unnamed, are designated nearly in the order of brilliancy by the letters of the Greek alphabet; as, [alpha] Tauri (Aldebaran) is the first star of Taurus, [gamma] Orionis (Bellatrix) is the third star of Orion. 2. An assemblage of splendors or excellences. The constellations of genius had already begun to show itself . . . which was to shed a glory over the meridian and close of Philip's reign. --Prescott. 3. Fortune; fate; destiny. [Obs.] It is constellation, which causeth all that a man doeth. --Gower. Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc. Different Constellations Andromeda Antlia, The Air Pump Apus, Bird of Paradise Aquarius, Water Carrier Aquila, The Eagle, Ara, The Altar Aries, The Ram Auriga, The Charioteer Boötes, The Herdsman Caelum, The Chisel, Camelopardalis, The Giraffe, Cance The Crab Canes Venatici Hunting Dogs, Canis Major The Greater , Dog Canis Minor The Lesser Dog, Capricornus The Goat-Fish, Carina The Keel Cassiopeia, Centaurus The Centaur, Cepheus Cetus The Whale Chamaeleon, Circinus The Drafting Compass Columba The Dove Coma Berenices Berenice's Hair Corona Australis Southern Crown Corona Borealis Northern Crown Corvus The Crow Crater The Goblet Crux Southern Cross Cygnus The Swan Delphinus The Dolphin Dorado The Goldfish Draco The Dragon Equuleus The Little Horse Eridanus The River Fornax The Furnace Gemini The Twins Grus The Crane Hercules Horologium The Pendulum Clock Hydra The Water Serpent Hydrus The Lesser Water Snake Indus The Indian Lacerta The Lizard Leo The Lion Leo Minor The Lesser Lion Lepus The Hare Libra The Scales Lupus The Wolf Lynx Lyra The Lyre Mensa The Table Mountain Microscopium The Microscope Monoceros The Unicorn Musca The Fly Norma The Level Octans The Octant Ophiuchus Serpent Holder Orion The Hunter Pavo The Peacock Pegasus The Winged Horse Perseus Phoenix The Phoenix Pictor The Painter's Easel Pisces The Fish Piscis Austrinus The Southern Fish Puppis The Stern Pyxis The Compass Reticulum The Reticle Sagitta The Arrow Sagittarius The Archer Scorpius The Scorpion Sculptor The Sculptor Scutum The Shield Serpens The Serpent Sextans The Sextant Taurus The Bull Telescopium The Telescope Triangulum The Triangle Triangulum Australe Southern Triangle Tucana The Toucan Ursa Major The Great Bear Ursa Minor The Lesser Bear Vela The Sails Virgo The Virgin Volans The Flying Fish Vulpecula The Fox