Challenger & Columbia Memorial Station



Dr Ross J Smith

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Email : Dr Ross J. Smith




Dr Ross James Smith BSc(Hons 1), PhD, FBIS


Challenger & Columbia Memorial Page


Australian Space Stamps & Postmarks

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BSc. (Ind. Chem. Hons 1), School of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry , 1977
PhD. in Industrial Chemistry, School of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry , 1990



Chemist, Phillips Australia Chemicals Pty. Ltd., 1977-1981
Quality Assurance Supervisor, Phillips Australia Chemicals Pty. Ltd., 1981-1983
Computer Systems Officer The University of New South Wales, 1990 - 1996
Computer Consultant, 1997-



"A Problem of Accuracy of Mathematical Dead Time Estimation", Journal of Chromatography , 133 (1977) 1-6

"Evaluation of Mathematical Procedures for the Calculation of Dead Time", Journal of Chromatography , 147 (1978) 65-73

"Disk Directory Program", Micro-80 , Vol. 4 Issue 7 (1984) 7-13

"Comparison of Mathematical Methods for the Calculation of Kovats' Indices", Journal of Chromatography , 328 (1985) 11-34

"Calculation of Kovats' Indices", Journal of Chromatography , 331 (1985) 389

"Estimation of Dead Time and Calculation of Kovats' Indices (a review paper)", Journal of Chromatography , 334 (1985) 95-127

"A Review of Dead Time in Liquid Chromatography (a review paper)", Journal of Liquid Chromatography , 94 (1986) 1387

"A problem with Kovats' Index Equation", Journal of Chromatography , 452 (1988) 31

"The Agony and The Ecstasy" - Part 1", Orbit, 34 (1997) 1
"The Agony and The Ecstasy" - Part 2", Orbit, 35 (1997) 22
"The Agony and The Ecstasy" - Part 3", Orbit, 36 (1997) 22
"The Agony and The Ecstasy" - Part 4", Orbit, 37 (1998) 9

"Manned Mercury Recovery Ship Covers - Part 1", Astrophile, Vol 43 No 4 (1998) 109
"Manned Mercury Recovery Ship Covers - Part 2", Astrophile, Vol 44 No 1 (1999) 8

"An Adventure on eBay", Astrophile, Vol 49 No 1 (2004) 14

"US Tracking & Communication Ship Covers: Mercury & Gemini Programs", Astrophile, Vol 50 No 5 (2005) 271

"Was This Noa Cover Backdated", Astrophile, Vol 52 No 3 (2008) 108

"Gemini 3 - USS Ellison", Astrophile, Vol 52 No 3 (2008) 118

"Where Was That Ship", Astrophile, Vol 52 No 3 (2008) 124

 "American Astrophilately : The First 50 Years", Ball, David S., A&A Publishers, LLC (2010)" Tracking Ship Covers (p18)

"Mercury-Atlas 6 Recovery Covers", Astrophile, Vol 55 No 3 (2013) 207

"There's Gold in Them Thar"Hills!, Astrophile, Vol 56 No 2  (2014) 155

"Australian Tracking & Communication Stations and the US Manned Space Program", Astrophile, Vol 57 No 2 (2015) 27

"Australian Tracking & Communication Stations and the US Manned Space Program", Astrophile, Vol 58 No 1 (2016) 66

Bernice Scholl Award 1999

Former Space Unit Computer Coordinator and Webmaster of Space Unit Website
Other Personal Websites:

Recovery Ship Cover and Postmark Varieties
Australian Space Stamps, Postmarks & Associated Items


All Pages © Dr Ross J Smith

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Last modified on 19 February 2017