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Sunday, 2 October 2005

HELLLO LHOW HOARE YAKDJf ok later gaterl dfsjkdfal eifnal

Posted by Aubrey J.W. at 3:13 PM MDT
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Thursday, 15 September 2005

Just posting this as a test... My post from last night I can view in the editor but it doesn't show up otherwise.

I repeat

This is just a test

Posted by Aubrey J.W. at 12:08 AM MDT
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Wednesday, 14 September 2005

There is something wrong with me. I can't get "this guy" off my mind. I am ALWAYS thinking about him. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?!??!??!!??!??!?!??!???!? I don't even try to think of him, I just do. I'm like going insane. I haven't even seen him for months!!

blubber blabber flig flog!!!!!!!jfdajdofaiejfd

All of the previous statements run through my head every day!! haha UHHHHHHHHHH I just want to hold him........ then fall asleep

I've NEEVVVVVVVVER felt this crazy!!!!!

Well I'm going to go watch Garden State again for the manillionth time. I love Natalie in the movie. I love Zach Braff in this movie. I love how there are no long azz credits in the beginning of the movie. I love "I'm your new friend Sam". I love "I can tap dance, you wanna see me tap dance?" "I would love to see you tapdance" then I love the song that plays. I love all the songs in the movie. I love the humor. I love the emotion. I love how they don't kiss till near the end of the movie. I love "Yes you are and that's what I like about you". I love when they just FRICKING scream!! Don't you ever just want to scream like that?! I love the song that plays while he climbs the tractor. I love that Zach wrote this movie! (which I didn't know till the credits at the END when I first saw it). I love "he was protecting me". I love when they are in the bathroom tub. "Just let me know and I'll get the cup". I love "this hurts so fucking much." "that's life sometimes it fucking hurts". I LOVE when they hug.

Posted by Aubrey J.W. at 2:45 AM MDT
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Monday, 12 September 2005

Since I posted a pic with Milo with his ear bandage.. Here is a new pic.. with the bandage removed and a healed ear!

Posted by Aubrey J.W. at 11:32 PM MDT
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So this couple I know has been married, ehh, a year? And are already getting divorced.

I can't wait to get married. Marriage's today don't last for shit! (pardon mwah french) But when I get married, man I'm in it for life. I will devote everything I have to the person I am with!! I won't marry someone if I'm not 1,000 percent sure they're the one and I'll never need anyone else. I can't explain it. I can't wait to just fall SO deeply in love I don't need anything else. Jason of SuperDown (Carly you know who I'm talking about) told me once on yahoo that he's never cheated on a girlfriend. I wanted to tell him I've never cheated on a boyfriend. But I didn't. I dunno why but probably becuz it just felt like I was mimicking what he was saying. I dunno. I am so proud of that though. I'm a devoter. I just need to be the devotee for once! Does that make sense? All I have to say is that the guy that gets all this love I have to give, better be ready! ha

In other news, I am still cat-sitting Norris' cat, Milo. I can hardly type right now. I'm getting my face smothered by a cat. LoL I have NEVER "met" a cat that loves to snuggle so much! He actually gives hugs and he buries his lil fave in my arm when he sleeps. But get this, when this cat gets attention, he drools! The vet said after his ear surgery the drooling should stop but it didn't. Aww, now he's all cozy in my lap looking up at me. I wish you could see. Here's a pic of Milo in my lap when he still had the bandage on his ear- taken about a week and a half ago

He doesn't have the bandage on anymore. As soon as Norris gets his butt in gear he'll take the cat. His new place still needs mucho fixing up. I don't mind, I have a snuggle buddy everytime I sit down or go to bed!

So I'm bored and nothing to do so I'm going to do this..

I know for a fact you have got one of these in an e-mail before.

Cuz you sent me one back in tha day :) plhhh

Honestly, I love reading these when other people fill them out. When someone fills it out and sends it back to you, it's nice. NOTE: It just thundered outside!!! Yessss

On with the show..

1.What are you wearing right now? What color?
My cozies! Baby blue jammie pants, and a gray hoodie. Oh and a black cat on my lap :)

2. What are you thinking about right now?
Filling out this thing!

3. What's your favorite TV show?
Anything funny! Friends, Scrubs-which is so funny, but heartfelt, Raymond, Whose Line... etc etc etc

4. What's the last thing you ate?
Some frozen blueberries.

5. Name one thing you really love.
Fresh Air

6. Favorite movie? Garden State was funny, yet FILLED with emotion. I really really liked it. I love funny / emotional movies. Or any movie. I just like movies. Also "Spanglish" was good. That's all I can think of right now.

7. Do you have a crush?
Yeah, actually. One. Hardly know 'em, but what I do know I adore. Ever since I met 'em I just can't stop thinking about him. And it's been OVER a year since I first met him, or near to a year!?!?! I am constantly wondering to myself why he's always on my mind. And I mean ALWAYS. I don't know why...

8. Do you like the person who sent you this?
Well, yes!

9. How are you today?

10. Favorite Drink?
Raspberry Flavored Dasani Water (It's SO good!)

11. Favorite Alcoholic Drink?
Anything that doesn't taste like alcohol. LoL

12. Favorite Soda PoP?
When I'm sick (Sprite) Otherwise (I dunno anything I'm in the mood for, I don't like fizz though, I almost always shake it out. Flat pop is better, with just a tad of fizz) Weirdo.

13. Favorite Sport?
Well I like rollerblading. And on nice days a bunch of us will go play volleyball out at Patterson just for fun.

14. Hair Color?
Light brown

15. Eye color?
Blue, sometimes green ;)

16. Music?

17. Siblings and their ages?
TJ (Todd Jr.) Age: 28

18. Birthday? January 25

19. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
No, but I've been with only one person in the last 4 years, I may be a lil rusty *wink*

20. How many people have you kissed in the last 2 years?

21. Ever cheated on a "significate other"?

22. Last band you saw play live?
local-ish band:SuperDown outta Fargo
famous-ish band: Dark New Day/Crossfade/ Seether

23. What did you do last night?
Slept LoL

24. Favorite smells?
"Dream" by Gap. Fresh laundry. Laundry soap. Fresh Air. Rain. Shampoo. A nice smelling house.

25. Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
Yes. My tongue is kinda long, plus my nose isn't that small either :) lol

26. What inspires you?
The future. Music?

27. Buttered, Plain, or salted popcorn?
All- what ever I'm in the mood for.

28. What's your hair like?
Naturally curly, and thick.

29. Can you swim?
Yes. Haven't for quite a while though.

30. Ever broken any bones?
Just two of my fingers, Nolan stepped on them. I remember the first time I went out in public with a huge finger brace on: it was the first time I saw Superdown. I felt so dumb with that stupid finger thing on!

31. Would you ever date anyone 15 years older than you?
Yeah. Love is love.

32. Have you found your soul mate?
Not that I know of, yet

33. When's the last time you cried?
I think a few days ago when I watched Spanglish

34. What's the longest you've ever been in a relationship?
4 years

35. Are you religious?
Not really.

36. Do you like animals?
Yesh! Very much so.

37. Scariest Animal Encounter:
Well I lived a football feild away from my high school. One day walking home and huge dog ran up to me and started growling at me. Every time I moved it would snap at me. I was FREAKED! I yelled and finally two seniors came and scared the dog away. And I ran home crying. LoL It didn't scar me for life though!

38. Tired of this questionaire yet?
Yeah, a lil. Didn't think it'd take this long. haha

39. Where would you be if you weren't typing thing thing out?
Probably in bed listeing to music. Or watching a movie. Sounds good- I'm in the mood for something mushy or some slow songs... LoL

40. What's the one worst and best quality about yourself?
Worst- Shy sometimes when I wish I weren't. Best -That I'm very easy going. I dunno, sheesh. LoL

41. Favorite Quote:
"Pooh", whispered Piglet.
"Yes, Piglet?" said Pooh.
"Nothing" said Piglet.
"I just wanted to be sure of you"

HOW CUTE IS THAT?! It just reminds me of the lil things that make life so important. If someone said that^ to me I'd cry. I could name lots so I'll stop.

42. Glasses or contacts?
I have both. I mostly wear my contacts. My eyes get red a lot. Allergy eyes. I'm not stoned mmMkay!? Uhhh lol

43. Do you do drugs?
NO! I have tried ONE thing back in the day, just once. Drugs are flipping retarded!!!

44. Smoke?
No. I will have a drag every now and then. But hardly ever! I ABSOLUTELY HAAAATE second hand smoke. FLIPPING YUCK!!!! GROSSSS!

45. Have kids?
Nope, one day

46. Do you have a lot of friends?
I know a lot of people. So many people have caused drama I tend to keep to myself for the most part. But yeah, I have friends, maybe not a lot of close ones, but I have all I need.

47. What's your tip of the day?
Don't send emails of kitty's with guitars to people with kittys, because the kitty will want a guitar then. *sorry to all who don't "get" that comment. Just read my email!* that made my day. So funny

48. Do you own a cell phone?
I used to think I was the only one in the world with out one, but then I got one about 2 weeks ago and got rid of the house phone. Much cheaper, and more convenient.

49. One thing you hate?
Drama queens (which could be male or female)

50. Love?

51. Last Question: Name one MORE thing you love.
Hugs and fun and laughing.


Posted by Aubrey J.W. at 8:45 PM MDT
Updated: Monday, 12 September 2005 9:07 PM MDT
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Mood:  a-ok
Well I just added some pix to my site. I feel like a geek. Haha. Oh well. Good night!

Hugs! (because hugs could rule the world if they wanted to! ..well MY world, anyways)

Posted by Aubrey J.W. at 2:19 AM MDT
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Sunday, 11 September 2005
What Icons are for you?(Thank you for #1!! Please check out my other Memes!!) by ladyallie
Favourite Colour
Your Love icon is...
Your Sad Icon is...
Your Happy Icon is...
Your Angry Icon is...
Your Food Icon is...
Your Animal Icon is...
Your Random Icon is...
Your Cartoon Icon is...
Your Sexy Icon is...
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Posted by Aubrey J.W. at 8:10 PM MDT
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Thursday, 8 September 2005
I, i i i i ... had a dream, dream, dream
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: 311 - Beyond the Grey Sky
I had a dream a guy I was in love with (I don't know who it was though!) bought me an iPod and put all my favorite songs from my webpage song list on it! And I cried. That would be amazing.

__ask .

kiss kiss

Posted by Aubrey J.W. at 12:35 AM MDT
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Saturday, 27 August 2005
Thought of the Day
"Croissant Pockets" are WAAAAY better than normal "Hot Pockets"! Croissants all the way.

Oh, and Invisible Kool-Aid is yummy! It looks like water, but it's not!

Posted by Aubrey J.W. at 12:08 AM MDT
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Monday, 22 August 2005

You Are A Realistic Romantic

You are more romantic than 70% of the population.

It's easy for you to get swept away by romance...
But you've done a pretty good job keeping perspective.
You're still taken in by love poems and sunsets
You just don't fall for every dreamy pick up line!

Posted by Aubrey J.W. at 11:38 PM MDT
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You Have Good Karma

In general, you like to do the right thing when it comes to others.

Your caring personality really shines through.

Sure, you have your moments of weakness - and occasionally act out.

But, all in all, you're karma is good... even with those few dark spots.

Posted by Aubrey J.W. at 11:33 PM MDT
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The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.

You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.

Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.

In 1982 (the year you were born)

Ronald Reagan is president of the US

The space shuttle Columbia completes its first operational flight

Actor John Belushi is found dead of a drug overdose in a West Hollywood hotel

Automobile manufacturer John Delorean is arrested and charged with possession of 59 pounds of cocaine

The first artificial heart is implanted in American Barney Clark

The Cable News Network, or CNN, is launched

750,000 people rally against nuclear weapons in New York City's Central Park

Time Magazine's Man of the Year was for the first time given to a non-human, a computer

The first computer virus, written by Rich Skrenta, escapes into the wild

Kirsten Dunst and Elisha Cuthbert are born

St. Louis Cardinals win the World Series

San Francisco 49ers win Superbowl XVI

New York Islanders win the Stanley Cup

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial is the top grossing film

Ozzy Osbourne bites the head off of a live bat thrown at him during a performance, later hospitalized with rabies

"I Love Rock 'N Roll" by Joan Jett & The Blackhearts spends the most time at the top of the US charts

Cheers, Family Ties, Silver Spoons, and Fame premiere

What Happened the Year You Were Born?

More cool things for your blog at

Posted by Aubrey J.W. at 11:18 PM MDT
Updated: Monday, 22 August 2005 11:47 PM MDT
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Part Expert Kisser

You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity
You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off
And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave
When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable

Part Shy Kisser

You *do* love to kiss, once your comfortable with it
And that means knowing the person you're kissing pretty well
You usually don't make the first move when it comes to making out
But you've got plenty of intensity in return

Posted by Aubrey J.W. at 11:09 PM MDT
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BORED still waiting for laundry to finish
This one actually hit the nail on the head, in my opinion

You are dreamy, peaceful, and young at heart.
Optimistic and caring, you tend to see the best in people.
You tend to be always smiling - and making others smile.

You are shy and intelligent... and a very hard worker.
You're also funny, but many people don't see your funny side.
Your subtle dry humor leaves your close friends in stitches.

Posted by Aubrey J.W. at 11:05 PM MDT
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Fun stuff
You Are 20% Weird

Not enough to scare other people...
But sometimes you scare yourself.

Posted by Aubrey J.W. at 10:59 PM MDT
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Your Mood Ring is Yellow


Posted by Aubrey J.W. at 10:55 PM MDT
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Mood:  cool
Yay! For the last few weeks at work we have been selling tickets for a truck that API is giving away. And we sold a good majority of them. The raffle was this weekend. Today a guy from API came in and gave us each a $25 gift certificate to Applebee's. Neat. I have tomorrow off! Right now I'm doing laundry.

It is SO gorgeous outside! I have all the windows open and there's just a 'lil breeze. Ahh

Posted by Aubrey J.W. at 10:48 PM MDT
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Sunday, 21 August 2005
Mood:  a-ok
Well, hello! Just got done working a double. Today was so busy thanks to a softball tournament and college students moving into the dorms! Worked at 11, then Amber called in sick, so I had to go back later and close. Usually, for a GOOD Sunday the total for the night is about $2500. Well tonight it was $7800! And I go back tomorrow! Can't wait.

Don't really know why I'm posting right now. Bored.


Posted by Aubrey J.W. at 10:53 PM MDT
Updated: Monday, 22 August 2005 10:49 PM MDT
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Now Playing: Seether - The Gift
So it's about a week after the actual Seether concert I attended. I haven't meant to put writing this off, I've just been busy! And yes, I started a new blug (yes, blug, I HATE the word "blog"). I was messing with my old one too much, I started getting frustrated so just started a new one.

So, Friday, August 12th, 2005, me, Jamie, TJ, and Nolan headed to Fargo to see the Seether concert that night. Aaron and Kristen were going to go too, but broke up a few days earlier and *somehow* their tickets magically disappeared?! That's okay though, I was pissed at Aaron anyhow, but that's another story.

So we get to Fargo and 6:00, get a hotel. We eat at Hooters (thanks, BOYS! lol) Get back to the hote and freshen up. Then head to Playmakers where the concert is. Sat at the bar for a few minutes, then went into the Pavilion where the bands were playing. (The bar, Pavilion i.e. concert area, and the 'House of Rock' are all connected.) Dark New Day had already started. It was Dark New Day, Crossfade, then Seether. All of us only really wanted to see Seether. DND and Crossfade both played- we listened from the back bar area. Well near the end of Crossfade's set we were about 10 rows of ppl near the front and we looked behind us and on a balcony and few feet behind us were the guys of Seether watching the show too! After Crossfade, we went into the bar to wait until Seether started. We were planning on getting back in there before Seether started but that didn't happen. As soon as we heard them start we skidaddled in there.

We made our way SUPER close to the front (it was all just standing room only) We were about 4 rows from the front, near our left- the bands right- *duh*. The show freaking rocked!! All of us were jumping around, etc. I couldn't see everything *dang me being so short* but Nolan and Jamie would lift me and I'd sit on their shoulders for brief amounts of time. When they did that I'd be the only one up that high- Shaun Morgan (Seether lead singer) came right in front of me and played and smiled *tehe* during their cover of Alice in Chain's "Man in the Box". SO AWESOME! And we sang a few words together before I was lowered.

More jumping..

They also covered the Deftone's "Change". So AMAZING. I think during "Remedy" and "F*ck It", oh and "Fine Again" (which they dedicated to the late Drowning Pool singer and Dimebag) Shaun told everyone to get out their lighters. These 3 songs got the most crowd movement I think. It was SO hot in there, we were all drenched!! But worth it, SO FUN!

So concert over, we go outside to cool off. Walk around to the front to get into the bar part. It was SO packed. We were all sitting at the bar waiting to order our drinks. Tj is like, Aubrey- it's Seether. Straight across the bar from us is Shaun Morgan! We see this blonde girl go up to him and start talking. A few minutes later they are making out! Yeah. To which all of us wondered- "Is he still with Amy Lee?".

Anyways- got our drinks- Haley calls, she's there, see her 2 seconds later. She wants me to go into the "House of Rock" with her where this local band is playing. I just wanted to stay where I was but I hadn't seen her in forever so I went with. Went in, a few minutes later told Haley I'd be right back, needed to get my $$$ from Nolan for another drink. Went to the bar, the guys weren't were I left 'em. So I'm standing there trying to spot them in a HUGE crowd and this guy kinda taps my wrist and says something I couldn't make out. Me- what? Then he said something I still didn't understand- it was really loud and I was still deaf from the concert. Then 2 girls come up to him and ask for his autograph, and me kinda drunk was like, ooh, sign mine. lol Then this other guy comes over and the guys that's there introduces him as DND's lead singer. Which he was, I recognized his bald head :) . So they both signed my wrist bands and asked what I was doing. I said I coulnd't find who I came with and they asked who. I said a tall one, a kinda tall one, and a short one.. they laughed. Then I saw TJ behind me and went to him.

He shows me his ticket- now signed by Shaun! They all got his autograph and took shots with him while I was in the House of Rock. UGH! So pissed. I think I went to the bathroom then and Haley found me in there somehow- says she wants me to meet her friend John whom she *really likes. So we go back into the H. of Rock and get near the front of the stage- the local band is "Holiday". Very good! Haley's sister Heidi has to go potty, so I go with her to the bathrooms in the bar.

Right smack by the womans bathroom - guess who? Shaun! Heidi doesn't recognized him so walks right by. Me, drunk "Hey, it's you from Seether." And I shook his hand and talked for a minute. I was SO nervous I don't really remember what I all said. I told him my friends got his autograph and I didn't or something. So he kinda starts digging in his pockets for a pen and talking and the blonde he was making out with earlier comes out of the bathroom and sqeezes right in between us and is all over him kissing him and crap and he's trying to look over her and he says "I'll sign your tkt after you pee" while being molested, kinda laughing. LoL.

I honestly didn't expect him to be waiting out there after I peed, and he wansn't. Oh well, at least I got to meet him. Then saw Jamie, told him I just met Shaun and what happened. He had two signed tickets so he gave me one of them. Thanks Jamie!!! Jamie said when they were getting Shaun's autograph he (Shaun) was fingering that blonde at the bar! Yu-uck! Gr-oss! There were together all night. She was all over that.

Somehow we all started talking to the dude Corey Lauer from Dark New Day- and talked for a good hour or more. He said something about my dimples once. HAHAHA. LMMFAO! Everyone was pretty hammered by them. Or at least healthily drunk. Got his sig. too! Tj had me hold his cigarette pack while he got his tkt out or something and Corey grabbed it from me and signed that too.

Went back to the hotel. Nolan puked, got a good pic of it. I took a pic of my signed wristbands but in the morning they were no where to be found :( . Dammit.

We were supposed to leave Saturday morning at check out time but slept past it. Jamie and Tj said they weren't going to bring me back. I was supposed to open at 6am Sunday morning at work. But Tj called Kim and asked her to switch shifts on Sunday and she suprisingly did. I knew she had a wedding Sat. night so that was cool of her.

So Saturday we went to Starbucks. Yummy Carmel Frapaccino! Then to Thunder Road and many a go carts! SOOOOO FUN!! Did that for 2 or more hours. Drove around, went to Moorhead so Teej could play some scratch off tkts. Which we all ended up playing a lil of. Then were inside Taco Bell, and Jamie's brothers g-f calls and wants to eat at Hooters- she loves the food I guess. So we meet her (Daphne) there and ate at Hooters, again. ehh.

By then it was about 8-ish. Got a room at another hotel. (Firstly stayed at the O'Kelly Best Western, then at a Comfort Inn.) Napped, showered.. Then went to the Old Broadway (bar). Pretty dead. Saw a flyer on the bar with SUPERDOWN in it. Had one drink, then went to "Mr. G's" (another bar) which was pretty cool. Lots of people dancing. Good times. Left about 1:30-ish. Went to our room, ordered pizza, ate, and crashed. I woke up to the alarm at 10am. Showered, got everyone else up and at 'em. Gassed up and headed back to Dickinson. Got back here around 3 and left for work at 4:45.

The whole weekend was a freaking blast. I had SO much fun. So nice to get away. Sucked coming back! Seether was on- and so awe-some! Neat meeting Shaun too! He's so hot! :)

Now that I have writers cramp, Good night!


Posted by Aubrey J.W. at 1:06 AM MDT
Updated: Sunday, 21 August 2005 1:18 AM MDT
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