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University of Lethbridge
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Am I Hot or Not

A Little About Myself

well let me tell you about myself, I was born at 1:23 am on July 19/1984 in Amherst, Nova Scotia. I am 18 years old. I am presently attending the University of Lethbridge in Alberta where I am taking my Bachelor of Arts majoring in Native American Studies, this is my first year I still have 3 more years to go. All my family lives back east. I come from a pretty big family. I have 2 Sisters (Jolyne and Lacey) and 2 brothers ( Justin and Gerald). My parents are divorced. My older sister,Jolyne, has the 2 most beautiful most intelligent children you'll ever see ( Trystan and Theresa Dawn). My aunt Becky she has 6 girls, and I feel like they are my younger sisters, I luv them so very much,I will always be there for you guys, always. we are very close.Becky is my favorite aunt she has been there for me when no one else has been*i luv you becky* if you ever need to talk to some one go to her and she will help you as much as she can. My sister,Jolyne, she is one person i could always turn to also even though we use to fight like cats and dogs when we were younger, we grew out of that. I lived with her and her 2 kids for a year, last year.

Things have been going great for me here in Lethbridge. I haven't been this happy in god knows how long. School has been going great i haven't failed a class yet, hopefully never. i am still working at zellers. they are teachign me alot, but i am getting bored with the place i think i might want to find another job, something more challenging. I stayed here in lethbridge for christmas with my fiance, Wayne. and had christmas at his parents place. then we had our own opening up of gives at our place. Our very first christmas and many more to come.Wayne and I have been together now for over 9 months and are now classified as common law. we've been in our like place now since July 2003. we've made this little place home. you can see pictures of it by going to the link down further. we have been very happy together. we baught a car together because someone t-boned him and wrote his car off cause of it. so now we share a little '90 acura integra.

Latest News

I'm a new Mommie, Zachery Roland Dube was born on May 3rd, 2006 at 2:40 pm 6lbs 2.6oz 19" long. he is so adorable the best baby i could ever ask for. wayne is so proud, love spending every minute with him.

Well i am finished university, i graduated on May 31 at 10am with a bachelor of arts degree and a GPA of 2.41.


want to see some pictures

Some pictures of our apartment Very old Apartment

            To all my friends.... 
 Friendship is like pissing in your pants.... 
    everyone can see it,...... 
   but only you can feel it's true warmth..
 Thank you for being the piss in my pants.

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