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             THE WOL LIVES




Welcome new arrivals

Welcome to the Starwol, this academy was established to train and encourage Wol Adepts like yourselves from all aspects of the Wol. Whether you are a Wobble or an apprentice you will find information and Masters here  to help you on your quest.

 The Wol is an energy field its ebb and flow similar to that of a river, you must train and condition both your mind and your body to tap into its vast resource of energy.All things that live are a part of the Wol. All things that live generate the Wol.

All things that live make the Wol grow ever stronger, and ever more rich and bountiful. Its energies are nigh inexhaustible; as long as life exists, so too will the Wol. Any thing that lives, that has life, be it plant, animal, sentient, or even some forms of living minerals, generates energy that contributes to the Wol. No one knows the precise nature of this energy, and nothing can calculate its full potential. There are no instruments which can read or tap the energies of the Wol, only living cells rich in midi-chlorians posess that ability. The Wol's full potential has never been explored, let alone utilized by one being, but we know the Wol has the ability to create and destroy life, to lengthen or shorten life, and to do these things on a galactic scale.

You do not require a 'Wobble Master' to train you or guide you as a padawan when at the Academy. You will be part of a large group of apprentices taught by our resident Masters of Wol origin.

Finally I would like to welcome you to the Wol, you are a very special person if you seek out information on the Wol. To become a Wol Adept you must be committed to training and conditioning both your body and your mind. You will not succeed in harnessing the power of the Wol without a deep commitment to your training.

May the Wol be with You.



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