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[ Send an Occult Greeting Card ]
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july 25th,2002
Look....,Look......that star, yeah that one right there. That is one of the greatest of all Simon Monet born of this day growing to surpass us every day with loving hands we will be there to help him gain steadyness, harmony, and love 7lbs 2oz 19 3/4inches.
July 2nd,2002
Baby Simon is on the way.!! So obviously we've been slaking but i promise we'll make it up......somehow. April 22, 2002
All new look!!! What can I say? I was bored! Also, some pics added!

April 16, 2002
Make your own occult greeting card!!! Pick from backgrounds, pictures, and music or add YOUR OWN!!!

Feb. 17, 2002
Poetry Page added!!! Submit your poetry!

Feb. 16, 2002
Compost link is active! (Herbalism sublink)

Feb. 15, 2002
The only link that is up at the moment is Frames and Music. The No Frames options will be up soon.