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X-hybrid: An X-plane Shuttle With A .7G Living Environment The X-plane Background Of The X-Hybrid Shuttle: The X-1 X-15 The 1G Living Spheres Large Open Volume And Surface Area These Designs For Living In Space Are Not Reagan's Star Wars
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These Designs For Living In Space Are Not Reagan's Star Wars
Capable Of Flight Like A Fighter Or Use As Bomber

X-Hybrid, Space Drive & Sphere are not Reagan's Star Wars or a Fighter, low wing loading

The X-hybrid itself is much to complicated a system to bother with for star wars type weapons systems. It would be easier to use a rocket as a space platform for launching star wars type weapons, as the United States had showed in the 1980s. From takeoff the X-Hybrid only has so long to get to space or the wings then the fuselage will burn up or blow up. Reentry must be delayed if the speed goes beyond Mach 10. This type of landing requires a large wing area and this way the amount of wing loading is kept low ie pressure per square foot. Wing and fuselage temperature is also kept low. With the engines mounted in the wing to keep the weight down. This also limits the amount of load the wings could take. So, X-Hybrid would be slower and more complicated than a rocket to strike at targets on earth or in space. There are 2 types of engines the 2 air breathing engines in the wings and the space drive in the tail of the fuselage. This would make the placement of weapons or bomb bay in the frame of the fuselage prohibitive due to the need increase in frame weight. The low turning rate for the plane at any speed makes a fighter role impractical. These would rule out a fighter or a bomber type missions. The reasons X-Hybrid is not suitable for star wars type mission also related to the Space Drive that will be handled in the next section.

There is though, what could they do if some form of hostility broke out. The same reason it would not be a good fighter in air is the reason for it's possible survivability. It is made to fly out of the atmosphere fast. The solar space engine could be fired off then after the burn the collectors could be folded up. Allowing the Space Drive Units to slip away as long as they are not first target. Minimal chance of a death unless it is right in the area of action.

Space Drive Are Not Star Wars Weapon System Capable Or Air Space Fighter Capable

The Solar Space Drive will span over 60 meters. This even without the bulk of the X-Hybrid quite a large surface to show for to radar. The Space Drive is limited in it's actions and is not capable of anything but a planned engine firing at certain times. This is not a definitely not a space fighter of any kind. Along with the size of the collectors and the time it would take to retrack the collectors would put it a considerable disadvantage to anything. As a star wars weapons platform the it is no capable of the rapid rotations for firing a fixed weapon and a turret would have almost half of the sky obscured by the collectors.

The solar space engine could be fired off after the burn the collectors could be folded up. Allowing the Space Drive Units to slip away as long as they are not first target. Minimal chance of a death unless it is right in the area of action.

The Living Spheres Are Not Star Wars Weapon System Capable But Might Survive Attack With A Minimal Deaths

These are of such mass that moving at anything but the slowest speed would be prohibitive. (roughly surface area of a sphere 1000 feet in diameter * 10 inches thick * .283 lbs. per cubic inch) If out in the solar system the spheres could not be moved in a timely manor toward earth. It would seem to be hard to destroy one of these spheres with over 10 inches of steel but the windows to bring in the sun light are not 10 inches of steel. It would take nuclear power to survive without the solar collectors. These then are not suitable for use in a star wars weapon system. Not without taken considerable damage to the collectors and other equipment could the inhibitions survive an attack. For this kind of wars type attack there would be no real chance death. If the attack was a normal bomb or a small tactical nuclear explosion. The same system that would be used for an severe breach in the hull or windows breaking would work with a minimal chance death if the people had time to seek shelter. Anything beyond that would require advanced setup.

The Unfinished Beach House Look and the Finished Living Sphere

In the first sphere the work has just been completed on one layer of the sphere. The second picture a ring is built up and then a building which when the sphere is complete will be a tunnel which will circle the inside of the sphere. With this building as shelter from solar fare radiation, one can move inside while the amount of steel in the sphere is built up. The third water is being made from oxygen from minerals and hydrogen from space. I some time refer to this as being the beach house stage. This will still be sealable and is the place to go to avoid possible death. The fourth sphere is a completed living environment. The blue on the sides is from copper oxides formed in acid (1).

Bob L. Petersen

(1)My work with nitric acid dissolving copper away from gold plating 1979-1980. I paid taxes on the money from doing that. My father found the buyer in Colorado at 50% of going price. I lived on the gold for a year. Ever have 8 oz of pure gold? It has more magic than the money would.

Bob Petersen