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New discoveries and information regarding Chiron.

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Discovering Chiron

It is still in dispute as to whether Chiron is an asteroid or planet. Since its discovery in 1977 much speculation has continued regarding its astrological significance and scientific categorisation. Whilst we are still on fairly new territory, 25 years later astrologers are now beginning to agree on the characteristics associated with this maverick.

Many of the references to Chiron being labelled the ‘Wounded Healer’ link to the mythology. Whilst they tie up most aptly to my own definitions, I don’t personally, subscribe to ancient wisdom since my own use of astrology is as a psychological, life enhancement tool. However to refer briefly to the mythology, Chiron was a Greek God who became severely wounded. This, along with immortally, caused him grave suffering. Despite his great distress he channelled his great empathy and experiences into healing and caring for others.

Moving back to the 21st century many astrologers have begun to believe Chiron may rule Virgo, shifting Mercury to the position of ‘co-ruler’. I am one of those who subscribes to this belief, let me tell you why.

Firstly the Virgo psychology is known to be organised, detail oriented and very concerned with health and cleanliness – to sum up a few key attributes. Virgos are also often criticised for being critical but in my own experience I would regard Virgo energy as mostly self-critical. It is if this desire for perfection within the self is not met & the personal imperfections, that are common to all humans, become unacceptable that the Virgo will begin to turn that criticism outwards.

Virgos are highly capable and extremely reliable individuals, however this striving for superhuman perfection seems to leave many with insecurities and feelings of insufficiency. Their self-esteem is directly related to proficiency and order, the Virgo also desires hygiene as a precursor to good health and well being. Health is also extremely important to them and they are very aware (to coin a couple of clichés) that we ‘are what we eat’ and that a ‘healthy body equals a healthy mind’. Most Virgos are also extremely willing and able to help other people, some of the best nurses and carers around are dutiful Virgos expressing a very healthy sense of duty and diligence.

Already there is an apparent relationship between the symbolic deep wounding suffered by Chiron and the psychological wounding of the Virgo seeking perfection. We can also see how this sensitivity can manifest as a desire to help and protect others. Many links can be found between Virgo and Chiron far too many, in my opinion, to be coincidence.

How are we likely to experience Chiron by transit?

When experiencing a difficult transit to our Natal Chiron position much depends on the planet aspecting it and also how Chiron falls Natally, regards both house & aspects. However, to summarise, Chiron emotions usually relate to a feeling of deep emptiness – what I refer to as ‘the Void’. This ‘Void’ seems to be felt most in the Solar Plexus (charka/energy centre located directly below the centre of the rib cage). Memories of our earliest feelings of inadequacies, failure and lack of acceptance from others are likely to surface. We may also feel that we wish to be alone and that circumstances or people are in some way victimising us. These emotions are very personal, so we may feel we are alone in having experienced them. Of course, this is untrue it is simply that such depth is less easy to discuss and so is frequently internalised.

Unlike other outer planets Chiron transits do not have to be heeded and it is not unusual for any adverse emotions to be ignored and buried deep down in our psyches. This is by no means healthy for the individual but the hectic lifestyles and degrees of stress being experienced by more and more people often take precedence over emotional cleansing.

Many people when undergoing holistic healing will suddenly find themselves in the throws of intense, emotional release – Chiron rules experiences such as these. I am currently considering whether ignoring deep feelings, triggered by Chiron may linked to the increase of cancer in the Western World.
So how do we integrate this information into our natal charts in order to better interpret the energy of Chiron?

In order to examine the affinity in your own chart between Virgo and Chiron
first look to which Sign Chiron falls in:

Chiron through the signs:

Chiron in Aries individuals.......
wish to experience immediate healing. When ill they feel trapped and ineffective and will take proactive steps to ensure good health, though they don’t tend to take preventative measures. Expression of healing will be direct, truthful and to the point. Their vulnerabilities will be related to self assertion & identity. They do not like to be ignored or forgotten, as it reminds them of their failure to be self confident. Once these fears are faced they will be able to pioneer take the lead when healing others.

Chiron in Taurus individuals.......
will have a very down to earth attitude to their health. They won’t be quick to change their approaches but they will be quite consistent about any new attitudes they adopt. Expression of healing will be stable, supportive and tactile. They will feel vulnerable when faced with unexpected changes, unusual occurrences related to their physical body and when their need for touch has been neglected. They do not like to be confused or pushed into fast decision making and are likely to fear deadlines and pressure when given no chance for preparation.

Chiron in Gemini individuals.......
will be flighty and unpredictable. Mental instability may cause them to flit from one idea, or health cure, diet or remedy to the next. They rarely realise that their best health lies in mental relaxation. Expressions of healing will be impulsive and fast, this doesn’t give them a natural aptitude, however if time is taken to be systematic their logic can be very helpful and insightful. They fear bored, mundanity and can have a tendency to work themselves up into a nervous state. Their vulnerabilities relate to performing less ably and intelligibly than expectations, they hate to be categorised also.

Chiron in Cancer individuals.......
have a natural empathy for others. They are caring, sensitive and seem to have an in-built ability to read signs of distress and unhappiness in others. I believe this is the sign of exaltation, as the traits expressed by this planet when in Cancer, take upon the most positive attributes which can be naturally associated. Expressions of healing may be diverse, these individuals certainly have a natural flair in this area. Also they love to retrieve old memories and emotional experiences, so the self-healing process will be addressed quite directly and ably by the Chiron in Cancer folk. Vulnerabilities often lie in the welfare of others close to them, especially members of the family. They hate to see somebody they care about in distress and will feel most upset at any time they cannot assist. Watch out for this generation over the next 10 years!!

Chiron in Leo individuals.......
want to be seen as healthy and adept. They are dramatic, arrogant and playful. Whilst these may not be the best qualities to help others with, they are also extremely loyal and generous and will always do their best to play their part in any situation of need. Expressions of healing will be dramatic and may be over-flamboyant, however they may be talented at colour healing and transference of energy. Their vulnerabilities lie in being overlooked, if unappreciated and not welcomed, their help may well be retracted in future as their biggest fear is for them is to not be seen.

Chiron in Virgo individuals.......
can be identified by their systematic and orderly approach. They are calm and able in a crisis and can easily perform as well under pressure as at any other time. When Chiron falls in Virgo, the energy is likely to be acknowledged, expressed and subsequently used in a positive manner. As Virgos already have natural tendencies to be purgative and wish to be clean throughout the mind, body & soul it seems Chiron has always been their natural ruler. Vulnerabilities for Chiron in Virgo involve being ineffective in their service to humankind. Their wish is to be there for others and if they are in some way unable to be so, disappointment will be deep. They also fear an form of uncleanliness or disorder, they are effective in many areas of healthcare their great retentive knowledge and calmness are certainly worth focussing on however.

Chiron in Libra individuals.......
care deeply for others, they want their health to be balanced and to have a glowing complexion. They tend to be very congenial and sympathetic to those in need and are happy to go out of their way for another, though they don’t have an instinct as to how would be the best form of assistance. Expressions of healing will be loving and warm, though they may be a little over sensitive and self preservative in a crisis. Their Vulnerabilities are mostly aesthetic, they want to be beautiful and anything that interferes negatively with their appearance or affectionate congeniality will upset their balance.

Chiron in Scorpio individuals.......
are intuitive and secretive about their fears. In regards their health they tend to suffer from suppressing their emotions the most and while they can become great spiritual healers, they need to first work on the inner self. Expression of healing with be via mediumship, intuition or through some form of deep meditation. They need depth and feelings to be able to perform well and so work best with healing emotional distress and also those suffering loss of loved ones. Vulnerabilities relate to a fear of death and destruction by unseen forces. Since they have such a connection with the spirit world, they are very aware of the troubles which can be encountered from that quarter.

Chiron in Sagittarius individuals.......
are warm and outgoing. Whilst difficult to pin down, they are well able to lift the mood of those near them and tend to display a warm vivacity. Expression of healing with be through warmth and joy, although they have a tendency to overact and exaggerate, they are great emotional support due to their exuberant optimism. Vulnerabilities lie in serious situations where their humor and positive attitude is overlooked and deemed inappropriate. To be criticised or unappreciated cuts them very deeply and so they may become quite self-righteous to the detriment of any other wounded individuals around.

Chiron in Capricorn individuals.......
are very serious about health matters. They tend to be quite determined and restrict themselves of anything which may harm them, the fact they are inclined to worry in this way can however, be more of a hindrance than a help. Expression of healing will be restrictive and by the book. They may research and when they do will follow the advised protocol. Vulnerabilities lie in anything which has been unaccounted for, they like to be in control. Also they feel uncomfortable with emotional expression, especially when they regard it to be excessive. This lack of connection to their own feelings means they are less likely to heal their own wounds easily. Once they do they can be remarkably calm, confident able helpers to anybody. However this is the placement of detrimentl and some may never overcome the fears if they continue to.

Chiron in Aquarius individuals.......
don’t tend to be preoccupied with thoughts of healing and illness. They are more concerned with any lack of self-expression and individuality. Expression of healing is aloof and able, since they manage to keep their subjects at arms length their support can be unfailing and there are indiscriminate in their willingness to help others. Their own vulnerabilities will be related to freedom, they fear lack of personal expression and so usually ensure they are fighting their own battles. They don’t rely on others and neither do they expect others to rely on them. They are however, altruistic and insightful so at times their intuition and ability to see the bigger picture can be most useful.

Chiron in Pisces individuals.......
are very scared of illness. Since they have an otherworldly outlook on all things related to health, they also see that anything is possible and the world as we know it can change metamorphoses in minutes. Expression of healing is very giving, caring and concerned. However, due to their deep sensitive caring nature they will feel the pain of others at times, sometimes even unconsciously. Vulnerabilities lie in their inability to relate to the physical world. They fear real life issues at times and although they are in touch with their emotions, escapist tendencies often surface to avoid the depths of despair they feel when troubled. This is the placement of detriment as a negative reaction these may have to surfacing wounds is substance abuse. So evasive techniques may be used and the wounds, pushed to the side. A better way to use this energy is through spiritual healing and meditation when support from energy or other healers is accessible.


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