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So what is this site about?

ShiKahr: The Emerald City is a Star Trek universe-based play by email roleplaying game.

The mission statement of ShiKahr: The Emerald City is to (1) preserve the Vulcan culture on the internet and (2) to create a unique roleplaying setting for everyone interested in Vulcans and Vulcan culture

Star Trek stands for a science fiction setting, two to four hundred years into the future from the present day, depending on a particular game. Terrans have ventured into space, and met a number of alien races.

Play by email refers to the game style; rather than meeting in real time, players send emails to the mailing list of the game, each email describing actions and thoughts of a particular character.

Roleplaying refers to the game style as well; rather than describe their own activities, feelings, and so on, players take on a role of someone else.

So how are you different from all the other Star Trek games?

ShiKahr: The Emerald City is a Vulcan roleplaying game. It is not just another Starfleet simulation; we do not engage in warfare, or in saving the Universe in every mission. Rather than doing so, we simply exist. For some people this may seem to be boring; for others it is an opportunity to develop their character in detail. How can we survive without a typical starship setting? Well, please scroll down after you are done reading the introduction section, click on the link to our mailing list, and feel free to read what we have to say.

You have got to be kidding: Why is ShiKahr an emerald city?

First of all, Vulcans have copper-based blood; as a result their skin is of a somewhat greenish color.

Second, the symbol of Vulcan planet is a large emerald, dubbed "Vulcan's Glory", currently stored in ShiKahr (read more about it: D. C. Fontana, "Vulcan's Glory").

Live long and prosper.