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By: Declan J. O'Donnell

     The World Space Bar Association, Inc. is a Colorado Non Profit Corporation with a membership of lawyers, judges, space policy activists, and authors interested in space human factors. It stems back to the 1980 founding of the World Bar Association. In 1990 it focused on international legal problems regarding space development: the landmark publication was "A Basis for Government in Outer Space", by Declan J. O'Donnell.

     In 1994 W.B.A. changed it's name to the World Space Bar Association and incorporated. It's membership includes space activists who are interested in government, law, and policy regarding humans in space. Membership fees are $120/year for new members and a discount is earned for those who renew annually. Meetings are called on an "as needed" basis and the annual meeting is held contemporaneously with the United Societies In Space (USIS) annual convention, usually in Denver. ( The 2003 annual meeting is on August 4, 2003, a Monday, at 9:00 A.M., at the Stapleton Best Western Hotel. )

     The current Board of Directors and officers are as follows:
          NAME                    BOARD       OFFICE
Mr. Declan O'Donnell           Chair           President
Mr. John K. Reynolds            yes             V. President
Ms. Kathleen Woody             yes             V. President
Dr. Rashmi Mayur                 yes             V. President
Dr. Philip R. Harris                yes             V. President
Mr. Brad Blair                       yes             Secretary
Mr. "Rod" Rodriguez             yes             Treasurer
Mr. John Davidson                yes             
Mr. Rafael Ponce                  yes             

     The leading project of this Bar Association is to accommodate the mission, personnel, and affiliates of United Societies In Space, Inc. (USIS). It holds all of the voting memberships in USIS as part of that company's organic documents: there are 6 Billion such memberships, one for every person on Earth. This symbolism is consistent with WSBA's 1993 project purpose of creating USIS as a representative of the people, (as opposed to the more elitist purposes promoted by the 5 space treaties for UN member nations only).

     WSBA is an affiliate of USIS in the sense that the Board consists largely of members of USIS leadership and it tends to accommodate it's mission. That purpose is to advance the day when we become a space faring society during our lifetimes. We share that purpose with the National Space Society.