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My Astronomy Question Page

My Astronomy Question Page

Wattup, and welcome to my astronomy site! You can ask me any question on astronomy, and I WILL have the answer! Ask me any questions that you have to ask me!

Now, first of all, what IS astronomy? Well, astronomy is the studies of the stars and the planets and all the other heavenly bodies that are floating outside in space. Most people think astronomy is a stupid idea. Why learn about other planets when we haven't learned much about Earth yet? Well, good question...

Astronomy is a wonderful thing to learn about because it can give us clues to why life exists on our planet. For example, no other planet as far as we know has water existing in the form of a liquid! We are able to live on Earth because there is water on our planet. Life cannot exist without water! So, there you go.

Don't you ever wonder what's up there? Don't you ever think that there is life on other planets. For instance, Mars? I sure do. You should too. Astronomy will be very common later on in high school and college. It's great to have a foreground of it. So question me all you want. Believe me, it'll be worth it.


My theory is that singularities in black holes only have ONE dimension - time.

Stars are born in nebulae.

Our sun will last another 5 BILLION years until its dead. It will turn into a red giant, then into a white dwarf, and finally a black dwarf.

Many scientists suppose that in the middle of the Milky Way Galaxy, lies an enormous black hole. We will never get sucked in, though.

Our solar system lies the Orion Arm.

These are only a few facts that I know. I probably know a thousand more. ASK ME ANYTHING ABOUT ASTRONOMY!

Email me at

to ask the questions! I will surely answer.

Here are a few facts about me:

My name is Naman,

I'm pround To Be InDiAn YO!

I live in Rego Park

My favorite food is PiZzA

and I hate chicken a lot!


My friends say I'm intellegent

(I made BrOoKLYn TEcH)

My best friends are Sandeep and Rushbutt and TitLo

Now you heard MAh SoNg!

Be Thankful you visited my page boy (or GiRl). YoU BeTtEr CoMe BaCk AgAiN!

If you get bored, here's 2 games you can play below called Space Blammo and Executive Basketball.

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SPACE BAR fires. ARROW KEYS move ship.
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TIPS: Bounce objects hard off the walls for easier 3 point shots. Q button restarts game.
REMEMBER - shots are scored based on WHERE you shoot from.

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This page was last updated on March 3, 2002.

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