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The Trinity Delusion An exposé of the doctrine of the Trinity

Selected Studies

The following links will take you to some of my study notes for selected passages which are often discussed in relation to the doctrine of the Trinity. The emphasis of these particular studies is not so much for the purpose of proving the error of the Trinity but to simply focus upon the truth of the intended message and lay out the facts in detailed clarity. The content on this page will also change as more studies are added. I tend to work on several things at once so you might find any of these studies at various stages of completion.

New Testament

Colossians 1:12-20
A study which demonstrates Paul does not have the Genesis act of creation in view in this passage.

Jesus & his God in John's Writings

In the beginning
In the beginning of what?
The Father's Logos
What is the significance of "the Word" in John's writings?

Current TO DO List

Genesis 1:26

Genesis 18:1-19:24

Angel of the Lord

Isaiah 7:14

Isaiah 9:6

Mark 12:28-34

1 Corinthians 8:6

2 Corinthians 3:17

Philippians 2:1-11

Hebrews 1:1-2:8

Jesus & his God in John's Writings

The Good News & The Word

The Bread of Life

Born from Above

John's "Prologue"

Created: July 14, 2014
Last Revision/Update: July 15, 2014