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The Trinity Delusion An examination of the doctrine of the Trinity


The purpose of this page is to try and document my updates so that repeat visitors will know what articles have been updated since their last visit. Hopefully, this will help you to avoid browsing through every article and guessing if anything has changed.

During Jan-Mar 2011, I updated and modified most of the pages on this site from their old versions which were created between 2003 and 2010. Much of this was simply a re-formatting routine.

Minor updates, such as minor text edits and changes (typos etc.), are usually not shown.

    Recent Updates
  • June 12, 2012 - Added to front page: John 17:5
  • June 13, 2012 - Added to front page: Moses' God
  • June 13, 2012 - Added to front page: David's God
  • June 13, 2012 - Added to front page: Isaiah's God
  • June 14, 2012 - Additions to "The False Claim that Proskyneo Worship demonstrates Jesus is God"
  • June 14, 2012 - Added to front page: John 12:41
  • June 14, 2012 - Additions and updates to Psalm 110:1
  • June 15,2012 - Addition to "The False Claim that Jesus is the Creator"- section on 1 Cor 8:6.
  • June 15,2012 - Addition to "Colossians 1:15-16"- The Ephesians Key.
  • June 15, 2012 - Addition to "Mark 12:28-34" - The Impossibililty of the HE being a Triune God.
  • June 17, 2012 - Isaiah 9:6 - Existing page is split into two pages: (1) Is 9:6 - Translation, (2) Is 9:6 - Interpretation.
  • June 19, 2012 - John 5:18 - new sections added to this article.
  • June 20, 2012 - My God & Jesus' God: The Inescapable Trinitarian Dilemma.
  • November 5, 2013 - Further information added to Colossians 1:15-16.