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The Trinity Delusion An examination of the doctrine of the Trinity

Quotable Quotes

"And Thomas answered and said to him, 'My Lord and my God.'"

God became man so that men might become gods.
Gregory of Nyssa

If in this city you ask a shopkeeper for change, he will argue with you about whether the Son is begotten or unbegotten. If you inquire about the quality of the bread, the baker will answer, "The Father is greater, the Son is less." And if you ask the bath attendant to draw your bath, he will tell you that the Son was created ex nihilo.
Who understands the omnipotent Trinity? Yet who among us does not speak of it, if indeed it is the Trinity he speaks of?
[John 17:3]: The proper order of the words is, "That they may know Thee and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent, as the only true God." Consequently, therefore, the Holy Spirit is also understood, because He is the Spirit of the Father and Son, as the substantial and consubstantial love of both. For the Father and Son are not two Gods, nor are the Father and Son and Holy Spirit three Gods; but the Trinity itself is the one only true God.
Thomas Aquinas
The truth that God is three and one is altogether a matter of faith; and in no way can it be demonstratively proved.
John Calvin
The ancients made a wrong use of [John 10:30] to prove that Christ is of the same essence with the Father. For Christ does not argue about the unity of substance, but about the agreement that he has with the Father so that whatever is done by Christ will be confirmed by the power of his Father. (Commentary on John).
John Calvin
If [Servetus] comes [to Geneva], I shall never let him go out alive if my authority has weight. (Commentary on John). (Calvin to Farel, Feb. 13, 1546).
John Calvin
Honour, glory, and riches shall be the reward of your pains; but above all, do not fail to rid the country of those scoundrels, who stir up the people to revolt against us. Such monsters should be exterminated, as I have exterminated Michael Servetus the Spaniard. (Calvin to the Marquis Paet, high chamberlain to the King of Navarre, 1561).
John Calvin
Let Baudouin abuse me as long as he will, provided that, by the judgment of Melanchthon, posterity owes me a debt of gratitude for having purged the Church of so pernicious a monster.
Michael Servetus
To kill a man is not to defend a doctrine, but to kill a man
Michael Servetus
It is an invention of the devil, an infernal falsity for the destruction of all Christianity.
Michael Servetus
I do not separate Christ from God more than a voice from the speaker or a beam from the sun. Christ is the voice of the speaker. He and the Father are the same thing, as the beam and the light, are the same light.
Michael Servetus
[Last words before being burned at the stake]: "Jesu, thou Son of the eternal God, have compassion upon me!"
Isaac Newton
If the ancient churches in debating and deciding the greatest mysteries of religion, knew nothing of these two texts [1 Timothy 3:16 and 1 John 5:7], I understand not, why we should be so fond of them now the debates are over.

Contemporary Scholars and Theologians

J.A.T. Robinson
[Hebrews 1:8]: 'God is thy throne' or 'Thy throne is God.' Either makes good sense." (Word Pictures in the New Testament
B.F. Westcott
[Hebrews 1:8]: Thus on the whole it seems BEST to adopt in the first clause the rendering: `God is thy throne' (or, `Thy throne is God'), that is, `Thy kingdom is founded upon God, the immovable Rock.'" (The Epistle to the Hebrews, 1889)

Contemporary Trinitarian Apologists

Sometimes men such as these just don't realize what they are confessing.

James R. White
[The Trinity] is the topic we don't want to talk about: no one dares question the Trinity for fear of being branded a "heretic," yet we have all sorts of questions about it, and we aren't sure who we can ask. (The Forgotten Trinity, p. 14, emphasis mine).
James R. White
The one what is the one Being or essence of God; the three who's are the Father, Son, and Spirit. We dare not mix up the what's and who's regarding the Trinity. (The Forgotten Trinity, p. 27).
Robert Bowman
Thus, God refers to himself as "I," and is addressed by humans as "you," in the singular. This is no embarassment to the Trinitarian belief, but it fits perfectly, since Trinitarians believe that the "three persons" are one divine being. (Why You Should Believe in the Trinity, p. 14, emphasis mine).
Robert Bowman
Christians who believe in the Trinity and have studied the doctrine freely admit that they cannot fully comphrend it but they deny that it is confusing.(Why You Should Believe in the Trinity, p. 17).
Robert Bowman
But in 381 the emperor Theodosius, who held to the Trinity, declared trinitarian Christianity the official religion of the empire and convened the Council of Constantinople, where an even more explicit trinitarian creed was adopted. (Why You Should Believe in the Trinity, p. 40).
Robert Bowman
[Concerning Hebrews 2:7, Bowman insists that the inspired Hebrews writer's quotation and understanding of Psalm 8:5 is incorrect and does not refer to angels]: First, it is questionable that in its original context elohim in Psalm 8:5 should be understood to refer to angels.... Psalm 8:5 is meant to be understood as saying that man is a little lower than God, not angels. (Why You Should Believe in the Trinity, p. 52).
Last Updated: February 19, 2011