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Star Trek

My Star Trek Canon Fanfiction (Chronological)

Episode/Movie titles are in green. Unwritten (but planned) fanfics are in red. Alternate Universe, or Alternate Timeline, fanfics are marked with an (AU) after the title.

Pre-TOS (The Original Series)
The Cage - (Stardate: Unknown.) Captain Christopher Pike is captured by the Talosians and exposed to various illusions as his keepers try to persuade him to stay with them.

The First Five-Year Mission
Where No Man Has Gone Before - (Stardate: 1312.4.) While investigating the barrier at the edge of the galaxy, Lieutenant Commander Gary Mitchell becomes afflicted with godlike powers, forcing his best friend and captain, James T. Kirk, to make the most difficult decision of his life.

Mirror, Mirror - (Stardate: Unknown.) Captain Kirk, Doctor McCoy, Engineer Scott, and Lieutenant Uhura are accidentally beamed into a savage alternate universe, and are forced to play the parts of their counterparts until they can return to their own universe.

Return To Tomorrow - (Stardate: 4768.3.) Captain Kirk, Spock, and Doctor Ann Mulhall allow a highly advanced race to borrow their bodies in order to build android forms for themselves. However, one of the entities wants to keep his new body, even if he has to kill Captain Kirk's.

Henoch's Revenge (AU) - (Stardate: 4769.5.) After narrowly escaping death at the hands of Henoch, Captain Kirk suffers from nightmares and unexplainable pain. When he is brutally attacked by an unknown creature, the situation quickly becomes a deadly game of cat-and-mouse, with Kirk as the hunted.

Golden Wings (AU) - (Stardate: 4772.5.) The sequel to Henoch's Revenge. The Enterprise is called to a colony planet to investigate the disappearance of hundreds of people. When they arrive, they get more than they bargained for as Kirk is kidnapped by a cloaked ship, enslaved, and permenantly disabled.

The Paradise Syndrome - (Stardate: 4842.6.) The Enterprise is en route to deflect an asteroid that is on a collision course with a nearby planet. After surveying the planet by beaming down, Kirk is seperated from his landing party and loses consciousness. When he awakens, all his memories are gone. The native tribe take him in as their local god, name him Kirok, and he marries a woman named Miramanee. The Enterprise has left orbit, and it is not certain whether or not they will make it back in time to save the planet.

Shattered Joy - (Stardate: Undetermined.) Kirk returns from Miramanee's planet, with most of his memories intact. He tries to cope with the grief he feels at his wife's death, and McCoy has to comfort him.

Plato's Stepchildren - (Stardate: 5784.0.) Captain Kirk, Spock, and Doctor McCoy are held captive by a race of telekinetic Greek-like people, who force them through several humiliating scenarios in an attempt to get McCoy to join them. Their only hope lies in a high-energy source called kironide, and a psi-null dwarf named Alexander.

Mount Olympus - (Stardate: 5784.9) Captain Kirk, Spock, and Doctor McCoy return to the Enterprise, but it is quickly discovered that the kironide power in Kirk and Spock is not disappearing as it should. Spock suffers from terrible headaches from the constant pressure of 436 human crew members, but Kirk is the worst-off. His power is increasing exponentially, with no way to stop it, and his body is being destroyed in the process.

Under The Stars (AU?) - (Stardate: Undetermined. Serious crossover.) Captain Kirk has hidden a secret all his life. Now it is dragged out into the open by an unexpected enemy. Now Kirk must decide between the life he has chosen and the life he was born to lead...

Dark Mirror - (Stardate: 6152.7.) Two years after the crossover into the mirror universe, Captain Kirk's counterpart (now named Tiberious) travels to the positive universe and kidnaps Captain Kirk. The gentler captain is dragged off to a fate worse than death, the U.S.S. Enterprise is disabled, and Tiberious begins to wreak havoc on the universe that ruined his life.

Star Trek: Movies
Star Trek: The Motion Picture - (Stardate: 7412.6.) Nearly three years after the end of the five-year mission, the crew of the Enterprise is reunited as they attempt to save the world from certain destruction at the hands of an unknown entity called V'Ger.

V'Ger (AU) - (Stardate: Undetermined.) At the end of the first Star Trek movie, Admiral James T. Kirk takes the place of Captain Decker and melds with V'Ger. He vanishes along with the entity, and the crew of the Enterprise think him dead. When a spacegoing superbeing called The Wanderer appears, asking for help, the crew welcomes the distraction. But The Wanderer is more than it appears to be...

Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan - (Stardate: 8130.4.) Somewhere around 8 years after the first Star Trek film, Admiral James T. Kirk is an Academy instructor, desk-bound, in San Francisco. On a routine training mission, the Enterprise crew (composed mostly of cadets) runs into unexpected trouble at Regulus as Khan Noonien Singh, an old nemesis of Kirk's, hijacks the Reliant and steals the powerful Genesis torpedo. Admiral Kirk takes the conn and a space battle of epic proportions unfold, but one Enterprise member will lose his life.

Kobayashi Maru (AU) - (Stardate: Undetermined) Near the end of Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan, Admiral James T. Kirk is given a chance to change the future. By a shadowed entity's intervention of a single second, the fate of the galaxy will unfold in a completely different way than it should.

Star Trek: Generations - (Stardate: Undetermined/48650.1.) Captain James T. Kirk, retired, attends the christening ceremony of the new Enterprise-B. The party is crashed as a distress call is sent out by two nearby ships, caught in an energy ribbon. The Enterprise-B makes a daring rescue, but the new captain is obviously inexperienced, and to top it all off, the starship itself is unfinished. Kirk seemingly gives his life saving the crippled ship, and his friends mourn the sudden loss of a dear friend. 78 years later, Captain Jean-Luc Picard accidentally ventures into the energy ribbon known as the Nexus and finds Captain Kirk alive and well, happily dreaming in a state of non-existance. The future captain eventually persuades Kirk to follow him back to the 24th Century, but after saving a planet, Kirk is killed.

I'll Be Home For Christmas - (Stardate: Undetermined) Doctor McCoy is spending Christmas vacation in a cabin up north with his daughter, and recieves news of Captain James T. Kirk's untimely death. 78 years later, Admiral McCoy recieves the same news and must grieve all over again.

Unknown Timeframe, close to or in between movies
Nor Yet Favor to Men of Skill - (Stardate: Undetermined) Doctor Julian Bashir, Chief Medical Officer of Deep Space Nine, is wounded during the battle of Ajilon Prime and must deal with feelings of guilt over bringing Jake Sisko to the planet.

Reverse Changes - (Stardate: Undetermined) While resturning from a conference on Agrenios IV, a freak accident affects the lives of four DS9 personnel: Captain Benjamin Sisko, Major Kira Nerys, Commander Jadzia Dax, and Lieutenant/Doctor Julian Bashir. And when the Kzinti invade the station for the first time in centuries, things get complicated.

Shape of My Heart - A songfic set during “Doctor Bashir, I Presume?” Julian Bashir’s genetic enhancements are revealed. To stop rumors before they start, Julian must go public with the entire truth about his childhood.

STRIDER (AU) - In an Alternate Timeline where O’Brien never left DS9, Jem’Hadar still take potshots at StarFleet ships, and Jadzia never died or married Worf, an evil alien lifeform wreaks havoc on Deep Space Nine after taking control of an officer. Takes place after an alternate “What You Leave Behind.”

Only Human (AU?) - Several months after "What You Leave Behind," Ezri Dax and Julian Bashir go on a leisurely mission to the Gamma Quadrant. But an accident fatally wounds one, and forces the other to make the most difficult decision in their life.