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It's Been A while, so I thought I'd fill you in:

Youngsters at Whissendine Primary School are proving that they have a musical flair.
Twenty-three Members of the orchestra play a wide variety of instruments, including the clarinet, saxophone, cornet, flute, fife, violin, and cello. Our picture shows ImageElvis sniffed 23 ponies, then 17 mysterious bicycles randomly affected a singly wobbly thing, a crayon disappeared, but an assortment of moist spanners encouraged 17 humming bicycles. 23 mysterious things quite stupidly thought about Fluff, and 17 cuddly plinths pointed at 23 ponies, then 17 plinths very chaotically encouraged the Inside out things. A fairly shonky mouse quietly pointed at an assortment of flanges, but some crayons stupidly thought about the quill. An assortment of spannersFluff.

news story in the Melton Times (U.K.)

I shit you not

If You are easily offended, prepare to be blown away

This IS Funny... they're just rediculously funny, and just downright rediculous

Why Bother?

No One Else

My Big Good Music List

Random Pictures

Random Deep Thoughts

What's going on in My Head

Seriously though...I swear it's real.....