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Hello there. I see that you have found my website. I am going to try to update this thing as much as possible. I am not the HTML code wizz that I used to be(not that I ever was). So Lets get started...shall we? My name is Anthony Acosta. People call me Tony and I am okay with that. I am 20 year old single male I am a Capricorn for those wondering. I graduated from Hazelwood West High School in 2001. Unfortunately I have not gone back to college since then. I have moved a few times and attempted twice but things didn't work out and here I am. I do plan to attend school in the fall of 2004. I am originally from St. Louis, Missouri. I moved to Olathe, KS in 2001 with my folks and moved to Houston, TX with my folks again in 2003. I hope that I can remain in one place this time. Its hard to pick up and leave once things are going right. But I'll manage.
While I have freetime, I like to do a lot of basic things, like going to the movies, and reading. I really enjoy film. Especially action and horror movies. I am not a fanatic but I do like movies a lot. I like to go about once a week to see the new big feature. Going to the movies just gives me that 90 minutes or however long a movie is to just escape and have fun.

Family Friends
Let me see. I don't want to get too personal with this so here goes. I have an older brother, 18 months to be exact, and a dog named Lady. I live with my mother and stepdad. A lot of my friends live in St. Louis and I don't talk to many of them but the ones I do talk to mean the most to me.

Thank you for stopping by. Tell your friends. If anyone knows me please contact me.

What do I like to do?

  • I like Movies DVD and Theater
  • Batman....still my hero after all these years
  • I like to talk to Kellie. I like to consider her my best friend.

Good Links worth Checking Out

Motion Picture News
Entertainment Weekly
Comics and other Cool stuff
