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Ghost's Anime Page-- Where I got the Kitty
About Me

My name is Mary. I enjoy writing(though my writing sucks)*_*, watching anime, and oh my gosh what was the other one? Um, ah, butthead! Meany! Stop it already! OK it's done. Sorry for the interruption, rabid chipmunks just attacked. As I was saying I like anime. I find some of it very funny yet other "interesting" One of those smile and nod times. But for the most part it keeps me amused (not that amusing me is a hard task.) XP Well anyway I was bored one day so I thought I would make a web site (Coming from a girl who was trouble with Word) So begged and begged my sister for help and she graciously offered help. YA RIGHT. So now I am trying to make a web site without knowing a thing about computers. Here's my little sob story dont you feel sad. WELL YOU SHOULD.(wimmper) I am still in the process figuing out what I'm doing but I know it will have somthing to do with anime. So if you have any tips or just want to tell me how stupid I am feel free to Email me The address above. Don't bother trying to click on the address it won't work. I just put it there so it would stand out more. Thanks for coming remember this is a work in progress. If you want you're can tell your friends but if you're here you probably are my friend so there is no reason. __________________________________________________________________________________ Bloody humans guess what I lied it has been over a month and I am just now thinking of updateing. Naw I think I will put it off longer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8/30/03 No one comes to this site. No one has ever except 2 people, besides me. So I don't feel bad about trashing this site