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June 10: Bon Jour. Ok, I don't have a very logical reason why I haven't updated for what seems like a whole month. I blame the new movie starring Lil' Bow Wow. In any event, plenty has happened in month. I would like to take time now to thank all the people that carry equiment at shows, so that I don't have to. Also, to all the people I don't know who stepped in to make sure that noone knocks me over. You have no idea how great that is. I've updated Things To Come, and Pictures, (New pics of the SOA show at Medford Day). I've also updated Join The Robot Army page for the contest I'm having. Again, I appreciate Emails about how cute the robot looks in pajamas...
April 21: Hello all! Alrighty, sorry for not updating since April 5th...16 days, and two shows isnt too any event I updated Pictures! Now with witty little remarks (Witty Remarks = Crazy talk, because it's 4:00 in the morning). Plenty more robot news check out Things To Come!...Also SOA (along with a blurb about me and the ska-bot) were on a crazy radio show with a 17 year old that sounds like hes in his 50's. They also have been playing some new SOA songs, so check out the online radio thing - - So thats about it... Again, I appreciate Emails about how cute Kyle is...Click on the mailbox below...See Ya
Hello friends, its Matlack, but you may call me "that robot guy..." I've decided to take it upon myself to set up a terrible little html page to keep up info about the robots, because its hard to keep track of a band info what with shows and merchandise, Justin has his work cut out for him, so he doesnt need to worry about side show robot antics. The quality of this page wont be updated, however the site itself should be updated fairly often. My Email adress is below somwhere, so feel free to drop me a line. That's about it for now. Keep those robots gleaming...

Robot Army
Things To Come...
The Creator!
More Pictures!