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Current electricity

This unit intends to provide a basic understanding of how electricity works can help students recognize the need for safe practices when around electricity, begin to realize that they have control over how much electricity they use in the home and at school, and begin to understand the impact energy consumption has on electricity as a resource.

Focus questions: How much electricity does the average home use over the course of a year? How can consumption be decreased?

It is expected that students will...

Nature of science and technology

describe how results of similar and repeated investigations may vary and suggest possible explanations for variations

describe examples of scientific questions and technological problems that have been addressed differently at different times

Relationships between science and technology

describe examples of improvements to the tools and techniques of scientific investigation that have led to new discoveries

describe instances where scientific ideas and discoveries have led to new inventions and applications

Social and environmental contexts of science and technology

compare past and current needs, and describe some ways in which science and technology have changed the way people work, live, and interact with the environment

describe intended and unintended effects of a scientific or technological development

describe how personal actions help conserve natural resources and protect the environment in their region

describe the potential impact of the use by humans of regional natural resources


It is expected that students will...

Initiating and planning

propose questions to investigate and practical problems to solve

state a prediction and a hypothesis based on an observed pattern of events

plan a set of steps to solve a practical problem of a science-related idea

identify appropriate tools, instruments, and materials to complete their investigations

Performing and recording

follow a given set of procedures

use tools and apparatus in a manner that ensures personal safety and the safety of others

Analysing and interpreting

draw a conclusion, based on evidence gathered through research and observation, that answers an initial question 

Communication and teamwork

communicate procedures and results, using lists, notes in point form, sentences, charts, graphs, drawings, and oral language


It is expected that students will...

compare the conductivity of a variety of solids and liquids

compare the characteristics of static and current electricity

compare a variety of electrical pathways by constructing simple circuits

describe the role of switches in electrical circuits

compare characteristics of series and parallel circuits

demonstrate how electricity in circuits can produce light, heat, sound, motion, and magnetic effects

describe the relationship between electricity and magnetism when using an electromagnet

identify various methods by which electricity can be generated

identify and explain sources of electricity as renewable or nonrenewable

identify and explain different factors that could lead to a decrease in electrical energy consumption in the home and at school

identify and explain the dangers of electricity at work or at play


Some useful websites:


Interactive electric circuits:


Parallel & series circuit


Electric current & magnetic field  


Parallel circuit     


Series circuit




Basic interactive lesson


The electricity book- online


Overall electricity site





Conductors & insulators