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To get an award fill the form out must meet all requirements to get an award.

Rules for all awards:
1.)No hentia
2.)Must sign main guest book
3.)Must link back to me
4.)Must have a website (obviously)

1: Must have artwork that you drew
2: Artwork Cannot be on a Devient art account or photobucket (unless it is loading onto the main website.)
3: Must have atleast 5 fanart pictures

1: Must be devoted to friendship whether it be of otaku scouts or that of the origainl scouts.

1:Ok it has to be original.
2:Can't have stuff I see on every other site (i.e. same pictures, same gifs, same story line of the original episodes.)

1: A site dedicated to the Enemies of the Sailor Scouts. Whether its the enemy from you fanart (if you have one) or one of the original scouts enemies.

1: Must have an otaku scout with a unique background.
2:Must be a unique scout name.
3:Must have unqiue scout outfit (but if it is unqiue and doesn't have the Sailor Collar then I don't consider it a Sailor Scout)
4: Must have at least 5 pictures of the scout (can be any picture as long as its of the scout form.)

Your Name
Your E-mail

The Winners