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Deep in the Outer Rim, and not too far from Solvaria, lies a circular resort station of a mile wide with a stable force dome covering it to keep atmosphere is and vacuous space out. Upon one side is the docking bay where ships may enter to dock. Set in 10 points around the outer ring lies the ion cannons defensive systems, which lie next to the feild generators. Below are lush grounds of rich grass and landscaped trees as well as a river running round the center fed by a large lake stocked with fish and kept flowing by pumps below set into the actual dirt brought in. An outer ring keeps the station stable as well as gives for a main function giving mobile propulsion if ever needed. As well as it offers for a center control for the station that regulates the internal atmosphere of a temperate condition.

Docking bay

The docking bay is standard yet big enough to accommodate most larger and smaller ships. There are 3 levels, the bottom level holding the most room for the lager ships. Asking permission to dock is required as well as a scan of the vessel itself. All are welcome to the resort but still trouble would like to be kept to bar room brawls. There is an elevator on the second and third levels, which a body can take down to the first level corridor, which leads straight to the Theset Hotel. There is another exit that leads out to the main grounds of the resort area and a fully enclosed atmosphere. Above is the docking bay around ahead is the hotel and just beyond the bar, which there is the entrance on the upper level to the fighting arena. To the left lies the Endora Arcade, north is the Heaven’s Fire night club. Then just right of that is the Stargate Casino. Then beyond there is the Nova Holo Theater.

Black Star

The duel level bar is of a black metal interior combined with plush sapphire cushioned seats and glass table tops as well as imported sea woods from the Theset kingdom. Its circular with the top level being a wide balcony complet with a bar and tables along a scrolling rail that over looks the lower level, able to seat 20 at the bar and 20 along the tables. A door from the left enters from the hotel as there is another beside, double reinforced that leads to the docking bay. There is a defense system of several blasters along the walls of the levels as well as a nerve toxin gas from the planet Theoris. It is a kind of toxin that inhibits vision as well as kills within 15 seconds of breathing. Unless you are from Theoris, the toxin is quite deadly. To date only 3 from the ocean planet Theoris have been able to survive off planet. The both levels of the bar are now specially set as a energy void. ESP, mental abilities, nothing can be felt through the ability of the mind or otherwise. No communications are availble to work in the bar either. It is ment for a place to keep an even keel on all levels. Down there the are booths set along the walls as well as several tables set up and its own bar beneath the balcony top level, able to seat 40. Most every night there is a live band playing.

Fighting Arena

Across the door to the docking bay on the otherside of the bar is the double arched entrance to the fighting arena. Also a circluar wide arena able to seat 2000 visitors over looking a pit where the fighting commences. In the hotel lobby a visitor can register to watch the shows as well as register to fight themselves.

Theoris Hotel

The Theoris Hotel is a building of 10 stories high and reinforced with pearlized shiny purple metal on the outside for protection against any possible attacks. There is a grand main entrance of double ivory like carved doors, imported from the Theset kingdom. There is a counter for checking in as well as getting tickets for the resort shows; rooms cost 300 credits a night. To the left of the counter is an entrance to a hall from the docking bay. The front hall is done in a soft blue with glowing walls to give light to the room. There are several couches placed around in a sitting room and plush chairs set in as well of rich jeweled towns. The walls of the halls painted in swirling patterns of runes and seascape scenes of Theset, exotic fish and plants as well as sea blossoms. Potted plants from Endor and glass encased water sea plants and blossoms from the ocean planet Theoris. The walls are painted in a pearalized watery blue paint that resembles the watercolor on Theoris, which is specially treated to give off a soft glow that gives enough light to the halls and creates an underwater affect. There are also transparent iridescent scarves of colors of varying shades of blues, purples, greens, pinks and yellows. Some have runes sewn by hand into the edges, the language of the Theset kingdom. The rooms are also decorated in the traditional Theset kingdom ways. Instead of couches and chairs, there are cushions of varying colors and sizes as well as televiewers upon the walls and com units as well as windows giving full views of the rest of the resort and the open space above. There is a lower sub level of the hotel but that is restricted being the residence of the hotel owner Sekhet of Theset and her First Officer Lance Wyndrider. At the very top of the hotel is a fine dining restaurant with a wrapping open view of the rest of the resort and the heavens and stars above.

Endora VR Arcade

A smaller round white building of just one story and arching doorway welcomes you into its inner fold. Inside there are several virtual reality games that also can serve as training units for various space craft, fighting with weapons of both military and civilian natures.

Heaven’s Fire Night Club and Stargate Casino

The night club is a larger building of a stacked 3 level dance floor and often live or virtual band on one half and other side opening with double doors leads to a widely open casino where a player can get their hands on nearly every gambling game known to the galaxy.

Gated Nova Observatory

A building of black design on the outside and a varying of blues and silvers on the inside. Televiewers and star observatory stations adorn the interior. On the top most floor one can visit a large sized telescope to see the heavens and stars above the station.

Nova Holo Theater

The theater is an elegantly large building of sweeping arches and plush interior of velvet in a circular shape where in the middle lies the holographic stage where upon the shows are played. Every so once in a while the stage makes way for actors now and then.