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What Books Has Nikonchuk Read?

'How To Push High School Students To Suicide' - Rennie/Jared
'Torture: For Dummies' - Priv
'How To Make Chemistry Fun: Steps For Making Nitrous Oxide' - Jared
'So You're Fat...' - O'Brien
'How to go From Homeless Bum to High School Chemistry Teacher in Three Easy Steps' - Nuebauer
'Idiots Guide for Teaching for Dummies' (Abridged Cliffnotes Version) - Nuebauer
'A Woman's Guide to Marrying a Rich Man: Cleaning, Cooking, and Looking Stylish' - Diana
'How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days' - Sofio
'Life Outside The Atom' - Jared
'Chemistry Teachers Prank Book: How To Make Labs Suck' - Sheehan
'How To Blow Shit Up' - Sheehan
'Dimitri Mendeleev's Views on Love: How To Arrange it in Your Life' - Jared
'Decorating Your Parent's Basement 101' - Rennie/Jared
'1590 - So You're Almost Perfect' - Rennie/Sheehan
'How To Fix Broken Dreams' - Sheehan
'Genius' - Priv
'Phosporous Titration Death Merchant' - Keyvan
'The Rocky Horror Powerpoint Slide Show' - Keyvan
'Middle Aged Slob - Unlikable Guy, But Damn He's Witty' - Keyvan
'101 Ways To Avoid Your Psycho Admirer' - Diana
'Life After Harvard: Reaching Your Full Potential' - Hadjian
'So You Have No Life - A How To Guide In Making Others Miserable' - Routhier
'Southbeach Diet' - Fecteau
'What to Do When Life Hates You: 101 Ways to Make Others Miserable' - Jared
'How to Become More Hated Than Defillipo's Afternoon Speechs, Pellitier, and Keller Combined in Just Three Easy Steps' - Wheeler
'101 Doyle Catch Phrases' - Fecteau

Best responses to previous lists
Why Keyvan Should Be Killed - "Because I'm going to kill him after I no longer need his body for transportation" - Keyvan
How Keyvan Should Be Killed - "Pierced through the heart by a streak of frozen urine falling from an airplane toilet" - Keyvan
You Know You're Jared Perkins When... - "You say peer air pressure doesnt effect you (but it really does)" - Fecteau
Why Keyvan Will Never Get Laid - "He's sexually neutral, like a mule." - Fecteau
When Keyvan Gets Back From Ireland/England, The First Thing He Will Do Is... - "He's going to realize that I stole his Golden Sun, keyboard, and 20 bucks from his wallet while he was away, then he'll go ape-shit and run to my house and stab me in the back with a pair of bagpipes he bought in Ireland" - O'Brien
You Know You're Dan Sofio When... - "You're a psychosomatic son of a bitch who eats ramen noodles, gets bossed around by the biggest fucking bitch on planet Earth, and has an ego that could swallow blackholes" - Keyvan
What Will O'Brien Do Once He's Eighteen – “Go to his now weekly Alcoholics Anonymous meeting after sneaking one of his parents wine coolers” - Keyvan
Score: Keyvan: 4, Fecteau: 2, O'Brien: 1