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Jocks Suck More

jock /jok/ A prep who plays one or more sports. see also prep.


A sport is just a game, right? Not to jocks. Jocks inherit preps' symbolic way of thinking, because jocks are preps themselves. You see, to the prep, a school event like high school dance is more than just a high school dance. It has a deeper meaning. To the prep, a high school dance is a symbol that represents something much, much more, and the prep forms memories of its high school dances that last the rest of its life. When a prep puts on a team uniform, the prep becomes a jock, and takes its symbolic way of thinking to the game field. To the jock, sports are the meaning of life. After all, "[Insert sport] is life. The rest is just details," right? Jocks spend all their time building their bodies so they can win at their sport. When on the game field, they aren't playing, they're fighting. Or at least that's the way they think. In reality, they're chasing a ball around a field to achieve a futile goal. To most of us, it's just a game and nothing more. To the jock, it's a tournament to save the world!Preps act as if jocks were big heroes because they can catch a ball and run around a field or court, or because they can just run (as is the case with track jocks). Or maybe it's because they're fighting for the fate of the world! Because jocks are "heroes" who save the world from destruction, all preps want to be jocks. Because all jocks are preps, and all preps think the whole world revolves around them, jocks believe that all people want to be jocks, whether or not they are preps. This includes the professional jocks in the NFL, NBA, etc. This means that jocks think that non-preps are jealous of them. After all, jocks are the most "popular" with preps (and I'm sure that EVERY freak, punk, skater, hacker, etc. out there is just dying to be at the center of the preppy crowd), and they get to date-rape all the preppy little bimboes. What more could a (preppy) man want?

Jocks are the epitome of preppy masculinity. They have big muscles, and can knock out with a single blow any punk, skater, freak, or computer nerd who lacks the kind of martial skills one needs to be able to fight someone who is several times his/her size.

Most jocks are big, dumb, aggressive, territorial brutes. Like gorillas on PCP, they will attack anyone who they percieve threatens their territory or their females. This is why a jock gets so pissed when you walk too close to his car (ie, when your car is parked next to his and you have to walk between the two cars to get to your car's driver side door).

Because jocks are the preppy definition of masculine, aggressiveness and territoriality are masculine, and therefore sexy to females. That's why a female prep is turned on so much when a jock breaks some defenseless computer geek's nose.

Jocks define preps' idea of a man: Huge, stupid, violent, territorial, horny. Play sports and fuck. To jocks, and all preps, the more jocky you are (the more similarities you share with jocks, and therefore with monkeys), the more manly you are. Therefore, the less jocky you are the less manly you are. If you are extremely un-jocky (if you share very few, if any, similarities with the jocks), then you are girly, or in the words of the jocks, "a fag."

Jocks use the word "fag" to describe non-preps because they associate non-preppiness with femininity. Jocks are especially hostile to "fags" (non-preps). Non-prep males are considered to be sissies, and jocks must show their females how much tougher jocks are than non-preps, in order to impress them and follow their prime directive (get laid at all costs). Because jocks still want to appear "acceptable" to "society", you don't see jocks knocking out non-preps left and right. Unless a jock knows it won't get caught, it will resort to passive-aggressive harassment to get the job (of impresing females) done. This means they taunt you by calling you a fag over and over again and doing other childish things, like thowing balled up paper, pencils, pennies, and crayons at you and doing damage to the tires and paint job of your car, etc., etc., ad stupidium.