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Generation E Liberation Front

GELF 11/26/2

We've made our first hit! It was at school - an ad for BUY NOTHING DAY! yay!

PD 11/21/2, 11:55 am.

I, Devon, hereby found the Generation E Liberation Front. The GELF is an orgainzation of "culture jammers". Generation E(lectronic), more commonly called Generation Y but that's just dumb, are the children of the internet. The GELF is out to liberate the minds of thier peers, to rid them of their pop music loving, sitcom watching, shallow, and fake ways.

Since the GELF is currenly low on members, all space monkeys/soy bombs/liberators/culture jammers of GenE please email We need all the help we can get.Also see the Brain User's Manual and the Links.

Everybody else...go watch Fight Club.

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