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Day eight 2, 1, 03


Original Inspirations of events for day eight


*To make an offering to the ocean.

*To make an offering to the wind with wind instruments.

*To make an offering to the fire and a dance of humility.

*To take part in a cleansing in the commune temescal.

*An offering of music, and song and drums.

*Dinner for the warriors of light.

*Cutting of hair.

*Closing ceremonies.


New Moon

       Full of potential it is the same as a germinated seed that is ready to grow. During the absence of light the purpose is felt although it is not visible. During this time is recommended to make a wish, cut the plants or our own hair.



         Represents the need of perfection, structure and control.



Dream spell-Mayan Calendar

Red magnetic moon

I unify in order to purify
Attracting flow
I seal the process of universal water
With the Magnetic tone of purpose
I am guided by my own power doubled

Red Moon
Red Moon (MULAC) Purifies and emphasizes Universal Water.
The seal of the day is the basis of life destiny, with power of the solar tribe.
Kin 209 of 260-day cycle (20 wavespells of 13 tones).


Magnetic - Tone of the day
Tone of the day
Tone 1 Magnetic, creative power to Unify Purpose, action of Attraction.
Daily meditation- What is this wave spell’s Goal?

Guide of the Day, effecting Outcome
Red Moon
Red Moon (MULAC) Purifies and emphasizes Universal Water.
The seal for the Guide of the day enhances the oracle reading in Outcome.





All Donations are forwarded to Registered charities for the children of Oxaca, to provide auto sufficiency for the not so fortunate.  


Cars can be a problem, please come by bus, or fill your car to its maximum and look for the signs!