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Hello, my dear web traveler! You have stumbled upon an ancient
dimension known as Phantosmos, the Realm of Brandon Rutledge.
Phantosmos is a vast realm that is meant to be explored and enjoyed.
Are you interested in who Brandon Rutledge is? Explore the
Brandon section! Are you a humorous person? Experience some of Brandon's
original and collected images from across the internet! Do you enjoy
downloading files? Surround yourself with various Phantosmos multimedia!
Are you interested in other realms to explore? Travel to the Links section!
Phantosmos is still in its infancy, but with time and patience
Phantosmos may grow to be one of the more enjoyable realms on the Internet!
I enjoy receiving e-mails, so contact Brandon with any comments or questions.
The gate to the realm of Phantosmos is now open for your pleasure.
Live Long and Prosper!